Chapter 9

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Super High Ch.9


"So how was the date?" Alexa asked as she, Tasha, and I hung upside down over a vat of acid.

"So much fun! Craig is so amazing. He didn't have enough money to buy two ice cream sandwiches so he tried to play it off as romantic and had us share one." I said with a smile like we weren't hanging over a vat of acid in the gym.

"What else happened?" Tasha asked.

"He sang to me. He has such an amazing voice, guys. And he is so sweet. He tried to get a kiss when he brung me home, but I played hard to get and said I don't kiss on the first date. He got me to kiss his cheek though after he asked me on another date." I smiled.

"Holmes! Nguyen! Smith! No talking on the bars!" Coach Boom shouted.

"Shut up! And concentrate!" Ray shouted at us.

"Stop talking about your date with Craig yesterday, Aria!" Jacob shouted. They were joked out as Craig and I glared at them. Coach blew his whistle and the girls and I jumped down from the bars, avoiding the acid.

"Jacob Perez! You should get ready to die!" I shouted as I ran toward him. I closed my mind off from him as I threw all four elements at him. When he dodged everything, I decided to use my fist and hit him.

"Fight back, Perez!" Coach shouted.

"She's a girl!" Jacob defended as I sat on top of him, punching everything I could reach. He was covering his face with his arms.

"And you'll have female Villians! Fight back!" Coach boomed. Jacob kicked me off of him and I went flying through the air. I let out a gasp and landed perfectly on my feet. I went running in his direction and we started fighting, hand to hand combat.

We fought until I had Jacob dangling over the vat of acid.

"Please don't. You know acid takes forever to wash out." Jacob pleaded. I laughed as I pulled him up and we jumped down to the floor.

"Amazing work, Holmes and Perez! Perez, you just went head to head against one of my best students! Great job!" Coach shouted. We all covered our ears as the bell rang. Everyone ran to the locker rooms to shower and change.

"So you beat up Jacob because he talked about our date?" Craig raised his eyebrow at me as we walked to class together.

"Yes, everyone doesn't need to know about our business." I said.

"Our business?" Craig asked with a smile.

"Well, yeah." I nodded as we walked into Healing with our friends.

"Oh my God. Can Nurse Brown be any worse?" Chres groaned and hit his head against the lab table. Healing is basically chemistry and, well, healing put into one class. We learn about chemicals and stuff at the same time we learn about what helps our bodies.

"Don't worry, Santo. It gets easier." Keve patted his shoulder.

"I have super strength! How will learning if this chemical goes well with this chemical help me when I'm fighting Villains?" Chres growled.

"Mr. August, just because you have super strength doesn't mean you are immortal. You can still abstain severe injuries." Nurse Brown said.

We all were quiet the rest of the class until the lunch bell rang and we ran out of the class. Chres still seemed upset about Healing.

"I can tutor you if you want, Chres. I don't mind." I said as we all sat down with our trays at our table.

"What's the point? I'm an air head, Aria. Everything goes in one ear and out the other." Chres sighed.

"Cuz, come on. You think of the best pranks with Ray. Who's idea was it to sneak into the school's control room to set the clocks forward so we could get out early?" Jacob asked with a smile.

"Mine. I mean, it was easy enough. After setting the machine to set all of the school clocks and the teacher's watches forward, it was so easy to mess with their phones." Chres shrugged. Tasha slapped his head.

"Jackass, only smart people could do that!" Tasha said.

"Naw, I'm not book smart like you guys. I'm street smart. I learned that from some guys who lived next door to me." Chres shook his head.

"Believe what you want, Chres, but you're really smart." Jamie said and we finished with that conversation.

"So, how was your date last night?" Ray asked Craig and I nonchalantly.

"It was alright." Craig answered.

"Yeah. We talked and walked around the park." I added on.

"I got her ice cream then I bought her home." Craig finished.

"Mmhmm." Tasha, Keve, Jamie, and Alexa rolled their eyes.

"Alright, nigga. We gon' talk later." Chres laughed.

"Whatever." Craig shook his head as Darnell and Diggy came to sit with us.

"Hey cuz!" Diggy nodded at me and Jamie. "Lil niggas. My gurlies."

"Hey Diggy." We smiled.

"So you're the lil nigga taking my sister on dates and shit, huh?" Darnell looked Craig up and down.

"Yes. I'm Craig Crippen Jr." Craig held his hand out to Darnell. Darnell took it and did the same thing Daddy did to Craig two days ago.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you. Understood?" Darnell muttered darkly.

"Understood." Craig growled back and Darnell dropped his hand.

"You got spunk. You alright, kid. You alright." Darnell nodded at Craig.

"Did you hear about the dance in two weeks?" Jamie asked.

"No, when is it?" Jacob asked.

"Friday for seven to eleven. It's the Back-To-School dance. Five dollars to get in in advance, seven at the door." Tasha answered.

"In that case. Tasha, will you go to the Back-To-School dance with me?" Jacob asked Tasha.

"Sure. Pick me up around 7:30." Tasha played off her excitement, but we all could tell.

"Darnell, can I ask Jamie to the dance or nah?" Ray asked. "I'm Rayan Lopez by the way."

"Sure. Craig, you can ask too. I guess." Darnell grumbled. Jamie and I rolled our eyes at him.

"Will you go to the dance with me?" Ray and Craig asked Jamie and I at the same time.

"Sure. We'll be ready at 7:30." We said together.

"Sure I'll go with you, Santo." Keve said to Chres as he opened his mouth to ask her.

"Yay. We have two more dates this month." Craig whispered in my ear. "Hopefully, I can get my kiss soon."

"If you earn it." I smirked.

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