Chapter 20

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Super High Ch.20


I wonder where everyone is? Jamie, Darnell, Diggy, Marcia, nor Daddy are here. I know I wasn't sleep that deep or long for them to have left me without waking me up to tell me.

I sighed as I sat in the living room by myself. I flicked through the channels of the HD TV in complete boredom. Can someone just call or text me?

My phone starting ringing.

"Hello?" I answered in a heartbeat.

"Hey baby. What you doing today?" Craig's deep voice rang through my phone.

"Hey, Craig. I'm not doing anything." I sighed.

"Get dresssed. I'm coming over." Craig said quickly.

"Great. I'm bored. See ya in a few. Love you." I smiled.

"Yeah. Bye." He hung up.

Okay. That was weird. I shook it off and got dressed in some black jeans with a red shirt and black flats. I put my phone on silent and put it in my bra. I don't know why, but something told me to do it.

When the doorbell rang, I went downstairs to open it. Craig stood there in black jeans, black shoes, and a red shirt.

"Aww. We're matching." I smiled as he hugged me.

"Yeah. We are. Come on. Let's go." He smiled as he pulled me out the apartment. "No one's here?"

"No. They left me while I was sleeping." I pouted as we got into his car.

"Aww. My poor baby." He teased.

"Oh shut up. So what are we doing?" I asked.

"Going out." He answered.

"Going out where?"


"Where though?"

"Aria, stop asking questions! Please!" He snapped and I flinched before becoming silent.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout." He said.

"It's okay." I whispered. "I'm thirsty. Do you have something to drink?"

"Uh...yeah. In the glove box." He reached over to open it, keeping his eyes on the road. He handed me the reusable water bottle that he always kept in here.

I drank a little bit and became drowsy.

"Yeah, babe. Just go to sleep." Craig said. I nodded. I laid my head back and went to sleep.


"Wake up." Someone slapped me.

My eyes popped open as pain flooded through my left cheek.

"Craig?" I moaned.

"Hey baby." Craig rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I tried to get up, but I was handcuffed to a chair. I tried to melt the handcuffs, but I just felt drained.

"I wouldn't try that, Aria. You can't use your powers." Craig said as I heard six other moans of pain and looked around.

Marcia, Momma, Daddy, Darnell, Diggy, and Jamie were sitting in a semi circle with me opposite of Jamie. They each had a pair of blue handcuffs around their wrist.

"Craig, what's going on?" Daddy asked.

"Oh hello, Hulk." Craig smirked. "Don't call me Craig. It's Royal Pain."

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