Chapter 23

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Super High Ch.23


"Craig. Yes!" I screamed as Craig pounded into me roughly.

"Fuck, Aria. Shit." He grunted as he rubbed my nine month stomach with one hand and gripped my hip with the other. "Aria, I'm close."

"Me too." I moaned. We continued scratching and fucking until we both released. Craig pulled out and rolled to my side.

"I love when we make love like this." He rubbed my stomach softly. We were in his apartment that I recently moved into. The past seven months have flown by so quickly-- each day different and weirder than the last. A super pregnancy can be like a normal pregnancy or it can be like an alien pregnancy-- creepy. Mine was normal except for the kicking. This baby can kick hard. Unfortunately, we can't find the gender because ultrasounds don't work.

"Me too," I said after a moment to catch my breath. "It feels so amazing."

"It really does. It's a boy." Craig smiled.

"I want a girl, though," I pouted. "You can't tell if it's a girl or not."

"Jacob heard his thoughts yesterday when everyone was here. He said it was boy thoughts." Craig smirked. I awkwardly sat up in the bed.

"Whatever, Craig. Take me to the bathroom, please?" I sighed. I'm on bed rest(which doesn't restrict sex) and can't go anywhere unless Craig carries me.

"Of course," He swiftly picked me up and walked toward the bathroom. He abruptly stopped. "Did you just pee on me?"

"No. I di-- oh." I gasped. "Oh. Ow. Craig, it's time. Let's put some clothes on and go to the hospital."

Craig duplicated himself into two. One got dressed and the other got me dressed. The one that got me dressed disappeared and Craig carried me to his car. He called everyone as he drove to Superhero Hospital. It was inside the school.

"Yo! it's Craig and Aria!" Ray shouted when he saw us. All of our friends were at lunch. We've done homeschooling since I reached eight months.

"Call Mr. Williams. Aria's about to have the baby!" Craig shouted. Someone hit a panic button and Daddy came running into the quad.

"Aria!" Daddy shouted. Marcia, Nurse Brown, and other super medicalist came running our way. "Get her into the hospital and get the baby out now."

Daddy's orders were followed and in a few hours I had pushed out a beautiful baby boy.

"He's so beautiful." Craig said as he wiped the few tears that escaped his eyes. I just smiled as I stared at my baby boy.

"What are you naming him?" Tasha asked as she and everyone else came into the room.

"I don't know. Aria?" Craig looked at me for an answer.

"Craig Crippen the third," I sighed softly. "I'm tired."

"Go to sleep, love," Craig took Lil Craig from me before kissing my forehead. "I'll wake you when he gets hungry."

"Love you, Craig. Lil Craig. all you motherfucker just standing there." I smiled as I rolled to my side.

"We love you too, jackass." Keve joked and we all laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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