Chapter 3

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"Tiffany, can you hear me" I heard Yak ask, as he lifts the stretcher out of the ambulance. "Clear as rain, and by the way, it's Tiff" I choke back, my sarcastic wit even showing through at a time like this, whoops. He chuckles as he wheels me in the door of the emergency room (is that what the call it in Australia?) Just as he finishes handing me over he comes and whispers in my ear, "You're gonna be just fine, Tiff, don't worry" And with that he's gone, the last bondi lifeguard I'll see. I know I should say this was one of the worst days of my life, but it was actually nearly one of the best.

The rest of my day goes in a blur, but that's partly because I'm so lightheaded. I went for a couple scans and x-rays and I'm now about to be moved to a ward for overnight observation. 

"Hey" A young man, a nurse, says, as he takes off the brakes and begins to wheel my hospital bed. "Hi" I croak back, my throat burning from the salt water still. "I'm Aidan" He says, "Tiff" I say, before I suddenly lean over and vomit on him. Cringe. "Can I get some help here" Aidan shouts as he comes closer to my face. He crouches down and looks me in the eyes very seriously. "There's something not right here, this shouldn't still be happening. It's not water in your lungs, your x-ray came back clear" Just then Dr.Stan, the doctor in charge of my case, rushes over. He feels my forehead and asks me to open my mouth. "Hmm" He thinks out-loud, "Your throat and mouth are fine, your throat is a little swollen, but that's to be expected after swallowing so much salt water" I can see he is thinking my condition and symptoms over. As he talks to Aidan the room begins to spin again. "Dooccttorr Sttaannnn" I mumble. "Yeah" He says nonchalantly as he turns, but as soon as he sees me he runs over as fast as his little legs will carry him. "Tiff? Tiff? Come on stay with me" He says, lightly tapping both sides of my face. I feel my legs and arms start to tremble and then my head starts shaking uncontrollably and then I just see a bright white light.

"Woah, it's Ok Tiff. You're in the hospital, it's me Dr.Stan. You had a little seizure but you're ok now." I see Dr.Stan leaning down over my face. I gasp for air and I begin to panic. I cant breathe, why can't I breathe. "You're ok, you're ok!" Aidan exclaims, running towards me and placing an oxygen mask on my face. "Thank you" I stutter. "No problemo" He says and winks. I sigh and settle down into the bed, man I needa sleep.

I wake up after what seem likes forever, but it can't have been more than an hour since I dozed off. I see Aidan passing and I try to call to get his attention. On my third attempt I finally get some words out, "Aidan? Can I ask you something?" He immediately comes over. "Of course" I sigh, gather my thoughts and ask, "What's wrong with me?" I hear my voice crack as I get to the end of the sentence, I hadn't realized how nervous I was. "I'll go get Dr.Stan and we'll explain your condition to you" He gets up to go search for Dr.Stan, and knowing how busy doctors can be, I know it will be awhile before I get an answer. I slowly sit myself up and see a card on the table beside my bed. I pick it up and examine it. On the front is a beautiful picture of a beach, on the inside is the most amazing thing I could imagine right now, a get well soon message from the Bondi Lifeguards.

"Tiff, your condition is stable now, but only time will tell how you are. When you drowned, you were clinically dead for a few minutes, and this led to no oxygen entering the brain. For those few minutes your brain was starved of oxygen so your brain began to shut down. We're treating you accordingly now, but we still have some tests to run to see if any brain damage has been done." Dr.Stan's words echo in my head, "Clinically dead" "shut down" "Brain damage" I wasn't going to lie, I was terrified. 

I sit up as I see Aidan, Dr.Stan and another nurse walk in. "We just want to test your limb reflex and feeling if that's ok" Aidan explains. I nod to show I consent. He begins by hitting my right elbow with a little hammer. My arm flails about and I giggle. He holds my fingers and squeezes each one individually. "Can you feel that?" He asks. "Yup!" I chirp, a little bit of hope creeping back into my life. He does the same thing to my right knee and toes, all fine. He moves over to my left and he looks like he's about to hit my left elbow with the hammer. "Did you feel that?" He asks. "What?" I quiz, "You haven't hit it yet." "Okay" He sighs as he moves down to my hand. I watch him squeeze each finger individually, just as he had done with my right hand, but this time I feel nothing. I begin to breathe more heavily. He then moves down to my knee. He hits it with the hammer and gives me a hopeful glance, I shake my head, I felt nothing.


Hey!! Yes, that was kind of another filler chapter, but don't worry, Bondi's back in the next chapter!!!

Sorry about the long gap between chapter two and this one, I was unable to type the past couple weeks, but I'm ok now and I'm aiming for 3 updates a week :)

So yeaaah, on and yes, I want to involve you guys, the readers, if at all possible, so leave little ideas down below and also suggest which lifeguards you'd like to be some of the main characters :)


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