Chapter 14

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I could hear voices, people running about, a bunch of machines beeping, and a few people crying.

What had happened? I don't know. The last thing I remembered was falling. I attempted to open my eyes, but I felt something holding them shut. I tried to then take a deep breath, and again I felt something restrict me from doing this. It felt as if I wasn't in charge of my own breathing. I felt the urge to cough, but as soon as I attempted this I heard machines go haywire and a lot of people run towards me.

"Look!" I heard someone say, "she's beginning to regain consciousness." I hear someone move closer to my head. "Ok, let's take this breathing tube out" I hear someone instruct, as I feel something being pulled from my mouth, and finally I can breathe.

Next they remove a piece of tape from each of my eyes, and my eyelids slowly flutter open. My vision was still hazy, but I could make out I was in a hospital room. "Hello" a nurse says "would you like us to bring your friends in?" she asks. I nod my head, and instantly regret it, a pain shooting down my neck. I wince in pain. "Don't worry" she says, "your neck is ok." and with that she leaves to get someone.

She returns promptly with Chappo, Deano, Jesse and Maxi. I attempt a weak smile for their benefit. A smile forms across Deano's face as he comes up and holds my hand. Chappo then comes and holds my other hand. Jesse and Maxi then come stand near me too. I look up at them all, as I see their faces streaked with dry tears. I myself had to force back tears. I hated causing anyone distress.

"You gave us quite a scare" Jesse said, a smile forming on his face. "Sorry" I mumble. "How are you feeling now?" Maxi asks. "Fine, just tired." I realise now Chappo is the only one who hasn't spoken. I notice the three guys staring at him. Deano raises his eyebrows and Chappo nods. At that Deano, Jesse and Maxi say goodbye and leave. Chappo clears his throat and begins to speak.

"Why" he said, "why did you tell me you were meant to stand?". I hesitate, unsure myself why I did it. "I guess I just wanted to make you proud." A broken smile formed on his face as he said "Please, please don't ever do that again. You don't have to do anything except be yourself to make me proud." As I thought about this, a single tear rolled down my cheek. The truth was, I didn't really know who I was anymore.

The doctor came to check up on me after that, and said I was good to go. Chappo helped me get ready and then lifted me into my wheelchair. We then set off on the walk (and wheel) home. It was about 5:30am at this stage, and it was pitch dark out.

As we made our way along the promenade, the sun slowly beginning to rise, we came close to the lifeguard tower. "Ugh" I groaned, "Sorry for tonight. You're going to be exhausted going into work." Chappo halted and looked at me. "I'm taking today off to look after you" he said. I just smiled, I didn't attempt to force him to go, knowing he would insist on staying home.

We were within feet of the lifeguard tower when the guys jumped on Chappo.

Hey guys :)
Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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