Chapter 7

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*A/N: Sorry for any confusion, but yes I did change the cover of the story, I really hope you don't mind, sorry if it confused anyone!!

I roll over in bed and glance at the clock. I sit up suddenly, "Shit" I mumble scooching myself from my bed into the wheelchair, "I over slept!" I shout wheeling myself over to the dresser and picking out my favourtie bathing suit and a pair of shorts and a loose fitted t-shirt. I get dressed as quickly as I can. I grab my beach bag and pack the essentials such as sun-cream (I burn soooo easily), a towel, water and a cereal bar for a snack. I grab a banana from the kitchen and slip on my thongs (still working them shoes) and head out the door. I glance at my watch, 8:55am, I have five minutes to get down and I can't eat whilst wheeling my chair. I pause outside the door of my apartment and lock the door. I peel the banana and eat it in two bites. I set off down the promenade towards the lifeguard tower, gosh, I really can't believe this is happening!

Just as I'm about to knock on the door I realize that I never brushed my hair. I scoop up my long mousy brown hair and quickly tie it into a bun using a little pink hair-tie on my wrist. I lean forward and give one quick tap on the door. I hear someone rummaging around inside and knock something over and after what felt like hours, Chappo came and answered the door. His beautifully tanned face, complemented by his blue eyes and short brown hair, all topped off with his dazzling white smile. I pause to take this all in for a moment before wheeling myself through the door. 

"Hey!" Maxi, Deano and Jesse all chirp as I come in. Whippet is the only other one in the tower. "Huh, wuh, oh hi" Whippet groans. I raise an eyebrow, "He's a tad hungover from last night" Jesse whispers, as I try really hard to suppress my laughter. I glance at Maxi and then all four of us lose it and erupt into uncontrollable laughter. "Ugh, guys, my head" Whippet groans, though a small smile appears on his face. Man I loved this tower, everyone was always so joyful and optimistic.

I opened the door out onto the crowded beach. I had never taken in the enormity of the place before, but now that I was going to help 'Be in-charge' for the day, the size daunted me. I had to go the awkward way with my wheelchair. I went back out onto the promenade and wheeled down one of ramps, beautiful graffiti all over the walls. Chappo meets me at the bottom of ramp with a sand chair (I don't know what those wheelchairs that work on sand that the lifeguards have are called?) and I shuffle onto it. Chappo brushes past my shoulder and I feel myself tingle inside, what? He folds up my wheelchair after a long battle and quickly carries it over to the lifeguard tower for safe keeping and runs back to me. "I don't have one of the buggies right now, I'm just walking up and down the beach, that's why I got you the chair, I hope that's ok" Chappo stutters, I'd swear he was nervous. "Sounds awesome!" I exclaim, then I blush as he starts to giggle at my outburst of excitement. I sighed as he began to push me down the beach, Chappo was amazing and I felt so comfortable around him, I really feel safe and happy.

I watch as Chappo's eyes glisten in sun as he talks to a local at the south-end. I take in a long, exaggerated breath as I stare out at the sea. The bright blue sea, how welcoming it looked, young children on their summer holidays splashing about, yet I felt a slight unease in the pit of my stomach as I peered out at the vast beauty of the ocean, knowing just how dangerous it could be. I shake that thought from my head, "Thous sands upon thousands flock here every year Tiff, very few, if any, resus' take place each year, it was just a freak accident" I reassure myself. I glance to my side and see Chappo is still talking so I just look back out to the sea, I was determined not to let the fear overtake me. I made a mental note to myself to ask Chappo if we could sit at the edge of the water at the end of the day if I could. 

I tug Chappo's sleeve suddenly and he spins around instantly, worry washing over his face. "What's wrong?" He asks hurriedly, "The boy, look the little boy!" I scream as I see my worst fear unfold before me, a young child sinking. He sees who I'm pointing to and rips off his top as quickly as he can, grabs the rescue board and darts into the water. I see the rest happening in a slow motion blur, Chappo reaching the boy, having to pull him up by his hair, clapping the young boy on his back and a small smile forming on the corners of his mouth, and in that moment I know the boy is ok. he's ok I breathe. 

Chappo reaches the shore and carries the boy in, he could be no more than four years old, and that angered me. A four year old child, who clearly couldn't swim, alone in the water, not a parent to be seen. He sits the boy down on the arm rest of the chair I'm in and looks him in the eyes. "You alright mate?" He says. The little boy nods and Chappo silently mouths ok to himself. "I'll be right back" He says, patting the young boy on the shoulder. He dashes down to the nearest buggy as quick as he can. I look at the boy, though at the moment I can only see the back of his head and I just reach out at pat him on the head. I want to console the boy, tell him it's ok, but I just can't get the words out

Chappo arrives back with a medical bag, Deano tagging along behind him. I raise an eyebrow, I know the boy is ok, so I couldn't understand why Deano had come too. Chappo pulls out a oxygen mask and places it over the boys head and settles it around his face. As Chappo is giving the little boy the once over his parents arrive and Chappo fills them in, and also gives them a stern warning and realization about how serious that could have been for the little boy, who I picked up is called Jake. Deano comes up beside me and pats me softly on the shoulder, "I'm proud of you kiddo, you handled that really well, you're amazing" He says, and then I realize, Deano came to check on me.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry if it was kinda boring :/


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