Chapter 10

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Chappo pulls out his keys and unlocks the door to his apartment and walks inside. I quickly follow in suit. I pause as I reach the living area to take it all in. I look around at his decor, which is really nice, a beige theme running throughout the living room and kitchen area. "My room is through that door there, you can sleep there tonight, I'll sleep in the spare bedroom." Chappo says quietly, again sounding nervous. "No that's fine, I can take the spare room, you take your room" I reply. "Yeah, tiff it's just, uh, I don't actually have a bed in the spare room, just a mattress" Chappo explains, trying to be as subtle as he can, hinting at the fact I'd find it hard to get up and down to the level of the mattress. "Thank you so much Chappo, you're so considerate" I saying, looking up at him, and suddenly our eyes meet and that's when it hits me, I think I may love him, that's what all those strange feelings the past couple days have been, I'm slowly falling for this guy.

"Hey Tiff!" Chappo shouts to me, phone to his ear, "What sorta pizza do you like?" I giggle and say "I'll have whatever you're having" He nods and speaks into the phone, ordering the pizza I'm guessing. "Thanks!" He cheers as he hangs up the phone. "It'll be here in 20 minutes" He says, plonking himself on the couch beside me. "Hey, we should watch a scary movie!" Chappo exclaims as he runs off into his room. I raised an eyebrow as he rushed off, watching a scary movie with a guy/girl you don't know that well is usually as sign you like them, as they use the opportunity of you being scared to hug and cuddle with you. I shrugged it off though, "Stupid, how could I think someone like him would like someone like me. I'm just plain old me, so boring, but him, he's so amazing and interesting."

*KNOCK KNOCK* I jumped as someone knocked at our door. Chappo laughed, paused the movie and got up to answer it. I take a deep breath and pull the blanket draped across my legs higher up onto myself. "Keep the change" I hear Chappo say as he shuts the door. He comes over and sits down next to me, pulling the blanket onto himself too. "Who needs plates when you've got cardboard boxes!" Chappo cheers, as he opens the pizza box and rips the lid of the box off, handing it to me to use as a plate. He divides the pizza in two, and passes half to me. Pepperoni, I thought, my favourite!

I cringe as I let out a small burp, how embarrassing can I get. "Sorry" I mumble. "Sorry?" Chappo asks, "Sorry? You should not be sorry, just a tad ashamed maybe, I mean come on, that was kinda lame, I mean listen to this!" He exclaims burping loudly. I laugh so hard for what seems like forever before composing myself. "You're brilliant! You know that right?" I say smiling. "Why thank you" He smirks. I glance into his eyes, his beautiful eyes, for a split second before diverting my gaze,  I can't let him see my looking at him, I can't let him know I like him. I glance down at the piece of cardboard still on my lap from eating the pizza, then I glance at his and realize he had taken off all the pieces of pepperoni, even though I said I'd have what he likes, he left them behind, strange.

"Well, I best be getting to bed, long day ahead of me tomorrow" I say as I begin the slow and painful process of moving myself from the couch to the chair. Chappo nods and stands up to help me. "Here" He says, sticking out his arms for me to slide onto. I do so and he picks me up and lifts me into my chair. "Well that made that a lot easier! Thank you!" Chappo smiles, but its a sad smile. I shake it off, probably in my head again. As I wheel myself towards the bedroom Chappo says something. I turn around to face him. "Tiff, I was um wondering if um your flight ticket is strictly for tomorrow or if it's an open end ticket." I stare at Chappo quizzically before replying, "Open end. Why?" He smiles at the ground before lifting his head up to meet my gaze. "Because I like you Tiff. I like you alot, and I was wondering if you wanted to stay awhile longer, I totally get if you aren't looking for a relationship right now, but I'd even love to be there as a friend to help you recover. That's why I ordered pepperoni. I hate it, but I heard yours and Jesses deep conversation about pizza toppings and you said you loved pepperoni so I got you some." Chappo sighed, looking relieved to get all that off his chest. "Chappo" I say, "I would love to stay"


Hey! Yes I know it's a boring short chapter, but I felt so bad cos I hadn't updated since June 22nd!!!

So here's a small chapter :)

I'm hoping to improve the story within the next couple chapters :)

Thanks for sticking by for that small absence and thank you for 2K reads!! That's unbelievable!


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