Chapter 12

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"You? and You?" Deano, Maxi, Jesse and Whippet all exclaim at once. I giggle, shrugging my shoulders, enjoying this way too much. "We're taking it slow, just seeing what happens, nothing gossip worthy yet" Chappo says and I raise an eyebrow to him at the yet and he just winks. "Well, that's new" Whippet says as the guys all resume eating their sandwiches and I dig into mine.

"So" I say, looking at Chappo, who was look out of the tower through the binoculars, "I went to physio today." Chappo drops the binoculars and spins around to face me. "Hey, Whip, can you watch out for a sec" Chappo asks as he scooches over closer to me. "You should of told me, I would have gone with you" I give him a considerate smile, he really was too sweet. "I didn't want to worry you, besides you would have been bored stiff all they did was stretch my legs and had me standing for 3 minutes." I say, as Chappo suddenly jumps from his chair. "WHAT!" He cheers, ecstatic for some reason. Whippet's head flips around to make sure everything's ok and he quickly puts his eyes back on the water. "OH MY GOSH THEY HAD YOU STANDING THAT'S AMAZING!" Chappo continues, skipping around the tower like a kid. "Chappo, only on my good leg" I say, sad to bring him down. "Who cares! Even on your good leg, I don't care, it's progress, it's amazing I'm so so happy!" A smile grew instantly across my face, I was so happy he was so delighted. He quickly runs over to me, scoops me up and runs around with me in his arms, cheering. I just smiled the entire time, watching his face, beaming with pure joy, and this is what I would describe as one of the happiest moments of my entire life.

I stay in the tower for the rest of the day, just watching out the window with the guys, after Chappo's turn in the tower, Kerrbox came up and gosh we had such a laugh, and let's just say if I end up with him much more I think a few guys could be in for some master pranks. Towards the end of the day Hoppo arrived in and came straight over to say hi. "Hey!" I spluttered in between laughter with Kerrbox. "Hi" He smirked, wondering what we were laughing at, but we couldn't say, as we just may have been planning a prank on him.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" Hoppo asks, pulling me aside. "What's up?" I ask. "It's just, I uh, I really like having you around the tower, and I was thinking, I'm sure there is some way we can fit you in to the team somewhere, we can find some job for you, only if you want, and it doesn't have to be many hours, and I can completely facilitate around your physio hours" Hoppo says, actually staring at the ground, though he's shy to say it. "Hoppo, I would love to!" I exclaim excitedly, maybe a bit too excitedly. "Great! Well I know it's a bit rude to ask, but do you have any qualifications, as that could help us figure out a position for you." I smile, he wasn't being rude at all. "You're not being rude at all, don't worry. And yes, I'm a qualified nurse if that makes a difference" I confirm. "Tiff, that is absolutely brilliant, as sometimes there's only one lifeguard in the tower available to deal with people coming in with injuries and things, if you could always be there to help out the guys if a "patient" comes in that would be great!." I sit there for a moment, flabbergasted, I can't believe I'm being offer a job, and in the field I love, and right next to the beach! "Hoppo, I can't wait!"

I just hang around the tower while the guys pack up, urging the time to move faster as I couldn't wait to tell Chappo the news. "Bye Tiff!" Jesse and Maxi say as the grabs their bags before heading out the door. "Bye!" I call after them. It was now just me and Chappo in the tower. "Ready?" He asks, I nod and we head outside so Chappo can lock up.

"Done!" I exclaims, as he just finishes locking the door. I giggle a little under my breath, he was so enthusiastic about everything, and I loved that. He walks around the back of my chair as starts wheeling me up the hill on the promenade, back to the apartment.

"So" I say after awhile, "I have some news" Chappo stops and spins the wheelchair around so I'm facing him. "Is everything ok?" He asks, concern showing evidently on his face. "Everything is amazing!" I say, "Hoppo offered me a job as a permanent nurse in the tower, and I took it, I start next week" Chappo's tense shoulders slump and his expression relaxes, but only briefly before a huge grin spreads across his face. "THAT'S AMAZING TIFF!" He shouts, ecstatic. I wheel myself a little closer to him and I take his face in my hands and smile softly, "Thank you, for everything, for being there when no one else was, for taking me in, for turning my life around, thank you" I whisper as I lean in and kiss him.


Sorry I took so long to update! I had writers block, but I'm good now and hopefully I can get 2-3 chapters up a week!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry about the cheesy ending to it!

And thank you guys so so so so so much for 3K reads!!

That's unbelievable!


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