Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: mornings with Embry, School, and graduation prep.

//Malia's P.O.V//

I shut my alarm clock off as I groaned waking up even more. I want nothing but to fall back asleep but I know I need to go to school. I try to carefully get out of embry's hold only for his arm to tightened his grip on my waist. I sighed as I tried to pull myself out of his grip one last time. Sadly, I failed again.

"Embry." I whispered poking his cheek. I didn't wanna be mean to him. "Embry, let me up."

He groaned and pulled me closer, "no. Skip school." He mumbled and dug his face back in my pillow.

"I can't, they might take away my rights to graduate early." I told him. He let out a groan again before letting me get up. I laughed as I made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, put my makeup up, I decided to throw my hair into a messy bun. Then I put my outfit on and done everything else that I needed to do. I walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my bag off my couch. I walked back over to the bed where Embry was trying to go back to sleep.

I sat down on the edge, "Hey, babe." I said causing him to open his eyes and look at me. "Are you going to be here all day?"

He let out a yawn, "yeah, if Sam doesn't call for me." He told me. I nodded and started to get up but stopped.

"Embry, make sure to call your mom and tell her you're alive." I laughed as he threw a smile my way. I rolled my eyes and left, closing my bedroom door behind me.

I rushed down the steps and out the front door getting into my car.

//During lunch//

I hate this lunch table, so much. I was sitting with Angela, Mike, Eric and Jessica. Bella and Edward were walking towards our table but I could care less about what is going on right now.

"Hey." Eric and mike greeted Bella as she sat down followed by Edward. I rolled my eyes.

I hate all these idiots, why can't I just he at home. I got my hot boyfriend waiting in my bed at home so.

"We are the future. Anything is possible if you just believe." Mike said making my snicker a little. How stupid are these people? I mean, I believe in the impossible... but some things are hard to reach. "Perfect, and there's your speech." He then slid Jessica's paper back to her.

"No, I don't want everyone to throw their diploma's at my head." She said throwing the wad of paper at mike's head.

"You got to embrace it." Mike said as he gave her a side smirk.

"Yeah, and be better than all the valedictorians." Eric said as mike pointed to him while giving Jessica a knowing look.

"And that is why, you are not valedictorian." Angela told Eric. I laughed at that and gave everyone a look as they turned to me.

"Jess doesn't need cliche's. Speech is gonna be epic." Bella said.

"Or it could change lives." Jessica said and I nodded. Alice and Jasper then sat down at our table.

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