Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Embry's, Picking up clothes and vampires.

//Malia's P.O.V//

"There is no way I am getting up early enough for you to run me to my house before school." I told Embry as I laid on top of him. We were having a makeout session to try to distract me but I really need to go home and get clothes for school tomorrow. "Are you sure me staying here is a good idea? You'll have to take me to school in the morning."

Embry laughed as his eyes met yours again, "I don't care. It means I get to spend more time with you. We're making up for lost time, babe." He told me as I rolled off of him and got off his bed.

I held my hand out as he grabbed it, "take me to get some clothes and we can come back here." I told him. He groaned but stood up anyway.

I followed him out into his vehicle and we happily left to go get me some clothes.


"You don't have to come in you know." I told him as he got out of the vehicle with me as we walked up to the house.

"Yes, I do." Embry told me as I rolled my eyes. I unlocked my door and rushed upstairs to my room. Embry followed me but stopped at the entrance of my room. His whole body seemed to tense up.

"Embry," I said trying to snap him out of his trance. "What's wrong?"

He looked around the room before quickly coming very close to me. I heard him growl a little as he continued looking around the room.

"Babe-" he cut me off before I could say anything else.

"There's been a leech in here, and it's not the Cullen's." He said as he looked around my room. My eyes went wide as he said that, why would someone come into my room? "Hurry and pack your stuff." Embry said as he kept his eyes scanning over the room.

I done as told and put all my items and thing I needed into a duffle bag. I zipped it up and Embry grabbed my hand and drug me out of the room. We quickly got into the car.

Embry got his phone out and dialed a number, 'we need to talk, as a pack. Now.' With that he hung up. He drove to Emily's. Even though it was dark you could still see everything because the moonlight. The headlights showed that we were the only ones on the road. We still had a 20 minutes drive back to Emily's.

"Embry," I said as he glanced over at me before keeping his attention on the road.

"There was a leech in your bedroom. What would've happened if you were home and I wasn't there?" Embry said through his teeth. I placed my hand on his thigh which caused him to look at me.

"Embry, I'm fine. I was with you. I was safe." I reassured him as I kept my hand on his leg. He looked over at me with a sad look.

"What if I wasn't there and you were home." He mumbled as he turned all his attention back to the road.

"Don't think about that, it wasn't how it happened. So don't even think like that." I told him as I leaned over and kissed his cheek. I seen him close his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Have you noticed how we've been stressing over the others safety?" Embry asked lightly
as we passed the La Push sign.

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