Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten: hiking, & snow storms.

//Malia's P.O.V//

My eyes fluttered open as I heard my phone start going off, I groaned flipping myself over and switching it off. Whoever it was it could wait. My eyes widen as I remember what happened last night, last night was amazing. It feels different when it's actually something you want and not against your will.

I laid my head back on embry's chest where he immediately took me back into his arms on instinct. That's what I loved about his wolf, even if Embry was asleep his instincts were still there. I sighed contently as I was wrapped in his arms. I loved this feeling he gave me.

"Good morning," I laughed as I looked up and watch Embry wake up. He gave me a light squeeze and a smile when he woke up.

"Mhm, morning." He told me as he looked over at the clock. He groaned as he put his head back down. "Do we have to go with Bella?" He mumbled as he closed his eyes again.

I sighed, "yeah, for my safety." I mumbled and he opened his eyes sensing my mood. "We need to go. I think it was jake calling me earlier."

I rushed to the bathroom to get ready. Once I was done I tossed Embry the bag which he caught. He packed all the stuff (camping stuff) and everything. We finished what we needed to and left the house.


"Alice says there's a storm coming." I heard Edward tell Jacob as Embry and I approached them.

"Yeah, I can feel it." Jacob told him, he then glanced back at Embry and I probably feeling out presence. "We should get going." Edward took our camping bag from Embry who gave him a slight thanks.

I knew he was only doing it for me since I'm Bella's friend but it was still nice of him. "I'll see you in a couple of hours." Edward told Bella. He kissed her forehead and walked away.

"Something up?" Jacob asked suspiciously.

"Bunch of vampires trying to kill me." Bella told him as he picked her up. Embry did the same to me.

"Same old, same old." Jake said as they started running. Embry doing the same to me.

This is going to be a long day.


We stopped on top of the mountain where Edward had both of the tents set up. Jacob helped Bella get up the last steps but Embry just carried me the whole way.

"Thank you." Edward told Jacob. Jacob just nodded slightly.

"You should get back before the storm hits." Bella told Jacob becoming worried about him.

"No, I'm staying." Jacob told Bella. "You'll need my connection to the pack to keep tabs on what's going on."

"You're not gonna fight?" Bella asked. Why does she want him to go away so bad?

"Seth will spell me in the morning." Jacob told her. "He's not happy about missing the action but it'll keep him out of trouble."

I laughed lightly, "sounds like Seth." I said. Embry kissed my head as Bella sent me a look.

"Let's get you inside." Edward told Bella as he started pulling her to their tent.

Jacob walked over to me, "are they acting weird to you?" He asked me. I shrugged and walked over to mine and embry's tent for tonight.


The storm had started and to be honest, I'm freezing to death. Embry went outside to talk to Jacob real quick. I needed him here to warm me up though. I was knocked out of my thoughts by the tent unzipping and Embry coming inside. He was shirtless, like always. But I can't see how he can stand it, i get that it's the wolf but geez.

When he seen the state I was in he quickly crawled under the blanket and pulled me into him. I immediately warmed up but I knew it would take a few minutes before I got completely warm. "You're so cold. I'm sorry I took so long." He mumbled. I shrugged as I placed my head in his neck. "You'd warm up faster if you took your clothes off." He said. I looked up and seen the smirk on his face.

I playfully slapped him on the chest as my breathing slowed down to the fact that I was warm now. I finally closed my eyes and let the sleep take over me.

Right before I fell asleep I heard Embry whisper, "I love you, no matter what happens tomorrow." Then I felt him kiss my head.

I fell asleep with the thoughts of the battle in my head.



I'm sorry this chapter was so short.
This is the shortest chapter in the history of this book series.
But I thought this was probably the worst chapter ever written by me because it was so short and it wasn't very good... to me anyway.

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