Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: The Truth, Graduation, & Lying

//Malia's P.O.V//

I can't believe that I'm actually graduating tomorrow. It feels so fake, like how am I even smart enough to graduate a year or two early? Everyone's been asking me what I'm going to go to college to be or what I plan on doing with my life. I haven't told them anything, I don't have anything planned right now.

I'm going to take a year or two off before I go to college. It will give me time to get settled in and I can wait until I'm actually suppose to go to college, if I even go. The more I think about college the less I want to go.

Growing up, I had big dreams. I wanted to go to college in New York or California. As I got older my dreams faded as my parents got divorced. Since I'm in a great place with my dad I don't want to leave yet. It's just not something I want to do.

I don't want to leave my dad because our relationship is getting restored, I don't want to leave Embry because I see a future with him, I don't want to leave the wolf pack behind because they're my best friends. That's why I decided to take a year or two off, seeing as to I don't want to waste money and go extra time in college since I'm an undecided major.

I've already talked to Embry and my dad about college and they both agreed that it's up to me. Whatever I do they'll support. So, I've finally decided. I'm staying here. As much as I used to hate this place, I love it now. It's become all I ever want and need. I'm thankful for that.

"Okay, you've been acting weird recently and I want to know why." I told my dad as I finished my dinner and placed my plate in the kitchen sink. I may have lied since I already know what he needs to tell me but I want to hear it from him.

He sighed, "you're right, I've been keeping something from you... two things actually." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion about the second thing. There's two things? "The first is a lot harder than the second probably."

I gave him a look, I don't know if he knows that I know about Embry and the pack. I sure hope he does. "You know about Embry, I'm assuming." He told me and I nodded staying quiet. "Well, I used to be a hunter. I hunted vampires and werwolves. Until I realized that the wolves cause no harm. I only hunt the bad vampires... not like the Cullen's or anything. I retired after it put you and your mom in danger. Then we stared fighting about it and I started having a drinking problem and you know all that." He told me and I gave him a sad smile and a nod. "Billy wants me to start again... would that be okay with you?"

I looked up at him, "it's up to you, dad." I told him as I gave him a small smile. "Do whatever you think you should do." I told him.

He gave me a smile, "the second thing is... I met this women. She's really nice and I was wondering if you would be mad if I invited her over for dinner the day after graduation." He told me.

I gave him a smile, "dad, this isn't my house. You can bring anyone you want over, plus I can't say anything. You let Embry come over anytime he wants to." I told him with a shrug. I quickly washed the dirty dishes and put the left over food in the fridge. I'm sure someone will eat it later.

I'm just so glad he finally told me the truth.


"Tell Embry he can come." Edward told me, reading my mind as to me wanting Embry here. I asked Embry to come to my graduation but he said he didn't want to interfere with the Cullen's.

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