Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: fights & Battle Practice

//Malia's P.O.V//

"Why can't you understand I don't want you in the fight?" I yelled, Embry and i were in my room. My plan was for us to talk this out my I was getting frustrated. Luckily, my dad wasn't home to hear us.

"I understand. What you don't understand is no matter the reason I can't not fight for you! It's our wolf instincts to take care of our imprints." He shouted back. I ran a hand through my hair viciously.

"Make it stop!" I yelled not even thinking straight. I knew he couldn't stop it, even if he wanted to.

"I can't! I can't shut my wolf down, especially when it's not just my inner wolf that loves you!" He shouted again causing me to roll my eyes.

"You know, maybe you loving me is the problem." I snapped before I could even think about what i said. Once I realized what I said I placed my hand over my mouth, "Embry, I didn't-"

He held his hand up to stop me from talking, "you could've rejected the imprint." He whispered looking into my eyes with a sad look on his face.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I was mad. I didn't reject the imprint because I love you. I love you so much and you being in that fight scares me." I told him as I stepped forward and placed one of my arms around his neck.

"I would die for you." Embry told me as he placed his forehead on mine.

I let out a forced laugh, "yeah, which is why we were fighting." I mumbled. I leaned in a kissed him quickly. Once I pulled away I got out of his grasp. "I'm sorry." I added sitting on my bed.

"You don't have to apologize." Embry sighed as he sat down next to me and placed his hand on my knee.

That's one of the many thing I love about Embry, he always shows me some kind of affection... even if it's not much. He's always holding my hand, or wrapping his arm around my waist. He does anything to show me that he's there and he cares. Even little actions like that show me.

"I do. Not just our fight but for me wanting you to stay out of the fight. It's unfair when all your pack is out there and you're not because of a selfish person like me." I told him as I took his hand and placed it on his lap.

He gave me a look, "I understand where you're coming from." He told me as he put his hand under my jaw. "I'd be the same way."

"I love you." I whispered as I gave him a slow kiss which he quickly responded to.

"I love you." He told me in the same tone after we pulled away.

That's another reason out of the million that I love Embry. He never says 'I love you too.' He always says 'I love you.' Because he told me that he doesn't find it to be as sweet if it has 'too' or 'also' on the end. He said he found it to not have as much meaning as just the three simple words. I understand where he's coming from, in a way.

I quickly laid down in bed with him following my actions. I didn't even get under the blanket, I didn't feel the need to. I, however, did get under a thin sheet just to have something over me. I cuddled into Embry. I immediately felt warm since his body temperature stayed high since the wolf gene.

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