Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Skipping School, Emily's, and Pack pestering Jake.

//Malia's P.O.V//

I groaned at the sun was in my eyes, since when is it sunny in forks? I looked over at my alarm clock and freaked out at the time. I hopped up and quickly threw my hair in a messy bun, i put on my outfit, and then I done some makeup.

I grabbed my purse and keys, grabbing my phone and rushing down the steps. "Where are you going?" I heard my dad ask as I rushed into the kitchen to grab a water.

"I'm late for school." I told him as I pointed to the clock on the wall. My dad gave a laugh as I looked at him confused.

"You aren't going in today." My dad told me, I gave him a confused look. Why would I not go in? "I called the school and told them you stayed with your mom last night. Embry will be by to pick you up-" he got cut off by the door opening and closing. "Now." My dad finished.

I gave my dad a look, "since when do you just let him come in?" I asked him confused as Embry entered the kitchen.

My dad shrugged, "since you two are dating, I don't see a problem." My dad answered as he continued to work on his work papers.

I gave him a look in disbelief, "it's not a problem. What's a problem is how cool you are to Embry being here all the time." I told my dad and he turned to give me a look, Embry had yet to say anything. "Mom would've killed me by now."

My dad sighed, "honey, I trust Embry with you." He shrugged.

I gave him a look, you might ask why I'm acting like this. It's because I want him to tell me sooner so I can stop pretending I don't know about it. It kills me knowing that I can't confront him about it. If I did then I would be in major trouble.

"Wow, Lia. You're starting to sound like you don't want me around." Embry said as I turned to face him.

I looked up at him as I wrapped my arms around his torso, "it's not that, can i talk to you?" He nodded and we went out to his vehicle. "Listen, I know something that I shouldn't know... well, two things actually. I don't wanna pretend I don't know them anymore." Embry gave me a confused look. "I know about Victoria being back... is that why you haven't been over? For patrol or whatever."

Embry looked down at the ground and then back up to me, "I was going to tell you." Embry told me.

I gave him a look of sadness and hurt, "were you? Because I had to hear a conversation that I didn't want to just to know." I told him. He walked forward so he was standing right in front of me. There was barely any room available between us.

"I promise, I was going to tell you. I just wanted to wait and do it in person." He told me as he pulled me closer to him. He closed any space we had left between us.

I let out a small laugh, "I haven't seen you in like three days." I told him and he gave me a small smile. "I understand though. Werewolf duty calls." I added.

He placed his hand a my cheek and one on my waist as he leaned his forehead on mine. "It's killed me being away from you." He muttered as he finally closed the gap between is completely by pressing his lips to mine. I missed back moving my hands to go around his neck. I loved this. Every single moment like this.

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