Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: I love you's & Days Together.

Warning: I don't go into very much detail but their will be mentions of sexual activities. So you can skip this chapter if you want.

//Malia's P.O.V//

Today was the last day that Embry and I get before the fight. Sam has given the pack the entire day off so they can rest up and get ready for the fight. Tomorrow, I have to hike up a mountain and on the way out blood on some tree with Bella and Edward.

Embry is going to be with me tomorrow night but he'll leave the morning of the fight where I will be left with Edward, Bella and Seth. I was thankful I could have Seth though. I'm sure that there will be snow in the mountains tomorrow so I'd probably freeze to death if I didn't have Embry tomorrow night in a tent.

Embry and I get to have his off day alone, considering that my dad said he was staying with his girlfriend for a week. I think he took her on a little vacation but I don't know. I've met her once and she seems nice from what I have met of her. I'm kinda glad he's going to be gone while all of this is going on.

"What're you thinking about?" Embry asked softly as he placed a kiss on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I had been making food but got to lost in thought to tell Embry it was done.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist, "nothing." I told him as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. I placed a light kiss on his neck before untangling myself. "You can eat, babe."

"Thank you, for cooking for me." He told me with a smile. He kissed my cheek then got a plate out of the cabinet.

"You never thank anyone." I gave Embry a look. He turned to me with a confused expression.

"I do too." Embry told me and I laughed, "I'm just so used to Emily doing it that I don't do it anymore."

"I could cook for you anytime... I mean, I'm gonna be a wife someday... right?" I joked, Embry froze when I mentioned it. "Or... maybe not." I whispered seeing his reaction. "I'll uh... be back down in a minute." I said as I quickly rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs into the guest bathroom.

Why did I have to joke about marriage? Uh, how stupid could I be? Of course he didn't want to think about that... I mean, we're still Teens. Guys don't want to settle down and get married. Not this young.

"Baby," I heard embry's voice through the door. I didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and sat on the side of the bathtub. "Baby, please." He begged. I sunk to the floor and put my chin on my knees. "Bab-Malia, let me explain."

I got up and opened the door to see Embry with a look I couldn't decipher, "I don't think there's anything to explain." I mumbled as I looked down at my feet. "I get it, I shouldn't have brought it up..." I pushed passed him and walked into my bedroom. "I'll see you tomorrow." I told him as I closed my bedroom door and locked it.

"Malia, please." Embry said as he started beating on the door. "I love you. Baby, open the door." I sighed as I gave in. I couldn't stay mad at him for very long.

I flung open the door, "what Embry?" I asked as I gave him a look. I was hoping he would make it easier on me and go home.

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