They walk on you changing.-22

18.9K 353 141

-Doesn't get out.
-"You look nice Y/N"
-Nothing will let him out.
-Is turned on like hell.

J Hope
-Awkwardly Blushes
-Gest out as fast as he can.
-Says sorry afterwards.

Rap Mon
-"Nice booty babe"
-You need to throw a pillow at him before he gets out.
-Might probably pull you into a make out session after.

-Is really really flustered.
-Is beyond embarresed of himself.
-Goes out but hits the wall.
-"Jungkook its okay were dating"

-Enters Boner town.
-Turns bright red.
-"I-i I need to go!"

-Smirks at you
-Tries dad jokes on you.
-You yell at him before he gets out.
-Is turned on.

-Is actually examining your curves.
-Gives you fashion advice because damn he is gucci.
-Actually entered boner city.
-Went out before you notice it.

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