When someone punches you in the face

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-Oh honey he would be not so pleased with the fact that someone hurt his girl and would drop everything on the line just to throw the attacker a punch until it turns out into a fist fight.
-Who won?
-Of course he won from all the rage.

You and Yoongi went to the bakery in hopes of meeting your sister as you opened the door an angry red man pushed the door open hitting you by the shoulder as you pushed him but he backfired with a punch just as you einced and looked to see Yoongi his white pale skin turning into a dark shade of red.

"Fucking asshole you're gonna pay for that!"He gritted his teeth and dropped the cake he was holding and threw a punch making the guy roll across the hard cement.

The guy stood up throwing a dislocated punch a deep chuckle emitting from Suga's lips causing all powers of hell in those first 50 punches the guy with a bloody face as he held your face cautiosly.

"Babygirl Im sorry"he say pouting.

"I love you"You hugged him tightly causing him to giggle.

J Hope

-Even if it was by accident..
-No honey...jut nuh-ah.
-He'll make that guy feel guilty as ever making him sink back to his mother's womb.


Hoseok just arrived and you were having your cousins over just as Dave argued with Chase his hand suddenly slipped and his what supposed to be slightly pushing scenario made hard contact eith your cheek.

"Yah!"You screamed as Hoseok faced the two people.

"Hey dont you have manners?"he asked crossing his arms whilst the both looked at him.

"Didnt your parent raised you well?Ha?"

"Hoseok calm down"you chuckled his features softening.

"You know Im just looking out for you babe?"

Rap Mon

-Oh do you know what's goung to happen?
-When Our dear Namjoon goes batshit craycray?
-When he's not just gonna break his nose but his whole house including his video games?

You came home a bruise forming on your right cheek as you tried covering it up with make up just as you opened the door Namjoon's smile fades paired with a gritting expression.

"Namjoon no!"You begged as he kisses you.

"Baby this is enough he has to stop harming his stepdaughter!"he says and wents out making your tears form.

What if he'll get himself hurt?these kind of questions playing inside your head making you realize that you have to go after him and at the time you arrived...

Your stepfather's house was not just thrashed....it was burning.

"Baby what are you doing here?"Namjoon asked and pulling you into the car.

"I-i wanted to see if you were fine!"

"Im more than fine everytime I see you"he smiles those cute dimples showing off.


-Oh you mean what happens to the Golden Maknae?
-What happens?
-He'd be lying if he says he's not going to let hell go loose.


When Jungkook's bunny teeth smile starts to dissappear you smirked as he take big strides towards the guy who wanted to throw a punch at you for being a bitch but the contact never came as Jungkook stood infront of you.

"No way in the hell that you're going to hurt my girl"

"Man she started it!"the guy complained as Jungkook pushed him and throw him off the floor grabbing him by the collar and threw a punch at his nose straightly cracking it blood oozing from the fracture.

"Jungkook stop!"One of his friends(not BTS members because they are family)

"Not yet!"

Next...all you see was how your cute and handsome boyfriend turn into a frustrated and angry greek god.


-You know that Chimchim would trade all his jams in the world for you?
-And he would make everybody see that?
-Well be ready for it.


Buying groceries was one thing but first thing that filled the cart was strawberry flavoured jams..his favourite but when an angry couple started to make comotion you told them to take it outside but the girl slapped you making you punch her straight in the face.

"What the hell?!Lady fuck off you bitch!"the guy said pushing you off the enraged form of Park Jimin right infront of you his hands gripping tightly on the jar of jam.

In just a mere second all of the jar's contents scattered including the glass pieces as he smashed it into the guy's head mercilessly avenging you.

"Serves you right asshole!"You said looking at him rolling on the floor with his slut of a girlfriend beside him.


-To be honest..
-He would be calm about this.
-Perfectly calm that he ended up being in the police station.


You touched the forming bruise and waited for a whole 2 hours for Jinnie to come home since he offered to buy you a medical kit since you guys dont have one just as you yawned your phone rang.


"Err...princess?"he asked from the phone chuckling sheepishly.

"Yes babe?"you asked but dropped the phone at what he says.He may be cute and charming bit you never expected that he would end up in the police station at 8.

"What happened?"you asked when you arrive but stopped when you saw the familiar face of the guy who hurt you earlier his face almost unrecognizable.

"Aww Jinnie you didnt have to do that!"you cooed happy that he did that for you.

"You're not mad?"

"Baby Im happy that you had to make this asshole borrow his face from some dog!"


-By the moment that ass laid his hnad on you.
-Dont expect this cutie to be so cute.
-Cause that sexy looking blank stare is coming to get you.


You started to get angry when the you're gay hater started to flirt with Taetae making you push him off but he backfired with a curled fist making you tumble back Tae's face darkened his eyes shooting canyons at the guy.

"You dont have the authority to do that to her!!"he barked.

"She started it!"He whined pouting as Tae threw him one too a cracking sound emitting from the impact.

"Taetae Im sorry!"he begged as Taehyung looked at you but you rolled your eyes the gay saw it all as he pointed his finger at you the simple gesture making your blood boil.

"Dont you ever fucking point me like that!!"you shrieked and punched him as he blacked out.

"Oh"was all that Taehyung could say.

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