Jungkook Imagine

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This isn't to bring any insult to the curvy girls out there aright?

Your POV

I walked towards the mirror examining my form and took the measuring tape to see how exactly I shrunk..

42 inches..My waist eventually didn't change it's size so I decided to jog until my phone rang so I picked it up.

"Hello?"I frowned realizing it's my boyfriend..Jungkook.

"Hey babe were gonna have a double date with Jessica and Bambam at three okay?"

I froze at my spot remembering what Jessica looked like.

She was a tan,tall,slim and beautiful girl with platinum blonde hair unlike mine which was a fake.

It was colored okay?


"Come on babe you gotta say yes!..Anyways my break is done goodbye love you,stay gorgeous!"he said as I sighed the moment he ended thd call.

Later on I found a nice black see through top and wore a sleeveless camison under it wearing a faded skirt and my black converse.


I headed towards the table seeing the three of them sitting patiently as Jungkook gazed upon me giving me a smile showing his bunny tooth.

"Hey babe you look wonderful"he secrefly winkd making me smile as I studied Jessica who was wearing a fitted black dress with a plunging neckline.

We sat down and ate until the three of them started talking making me feeling left out as Bambam excused himself while Jungkook followed him.

And here was I sitting with Jessica as she snickered at me.

"What?Do you have a problem?"I raised an eyebrow.

"You!You are my problem!Jungkook doesn't deserve you!He deserves someone better!He deserves me!And look at you..you're a fat and disgusting piece of-"she stopped as I slapped her and realized that Jungkook showed up too late and just saw how I slap

"Y/N"I ran towards the bathroom with tears forming in my eyes.

How could he?

I walked towards a cubicle and cried my tears out not realizing that my sobs were too loud that Jungkook came towards my door even Im in the ladies room.


"Babe come on"

I rolled my eyes wiping my tears.

"Baby please come out of there"I hear him plead.

"What do you want?!"I snapped upon seeing his face.

"Im sorry baby"he hugged me but I pushed him lightly walking out the restaurant.

"Babe whats the matter?"he looked at me with tired eyes as I continued doing what I was doing.

But then I felt a pair of hands on my waist as his chin rested on my shoulder.

"Babe talk to me please"he whispered.

I faced him with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"What do you want to talk about huh?!"I shouted at him as he backed his steps.

"You want to go to Jessica dont you?!Yah!Go to her!She's better than me!And you deserve better!Not some ugly disgusting piece of shit-"I was about to continue when a pair of soft and warm pair of lips crashed against mine.

We pulled back gasping for air and stared into each others eyes.

"Dont you ever talk shit about yourself again!You are the greatest thing that happened to me and I would never ever ever ever go to Jessica instead of you...and you are right..I deserve better but you are the best so I couldn't ask for more"

Those words kept you.

They held you.

And that only meant one thing.

That Dear Jeon Jungkook Loved you.

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