He leaves you when youre pregnant

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You hesitated for a moment.You hesitated because telling him would ruin his career..and his group has been in the top charts of billboard 100 lately.What would even happen?



"I dont know how to say it him Chim"you sobbed while talking to Jimin in your phone.

"Maybe just wait Y/N...maybe he wants a baby too"you can just imagine how would Jimin shrug.

"But Im fucking pregnant and I dont want Yoongi to get mad at me!"You choke out.

You stopped.Your breath hitched when your bathroom door creaked open and there stood a wide eyed Yoongi as bags of groceries fell to the floor.

"Your pregnant"he breathes out as you nod.

The way he sounds so guilty makes you want to bawl your eyes out.Why does he sound so sorry.All his eyes could plaster was the look of pity.


"But we werent ready for this"

J Hope

"Y/N can we take a break?"Hobi says and sits down making you nod as you were sweaty from the intense dance practice.

"No Y/N...I want to break up with you"

Your heart sunk.What was the reason for this?What did you even do for him to break the knots and loosen the strings completely.Especially when you just found out that you were a week pregnant.


"I dont love you anymore"

Rap Mon

You cried for a moment as the pregnancy test you took in the public restroom of the mall turned out to be positive.Positive and that wasnt the problem here really..it was Namjoon.Since Jin told you that he has been cheating on you for a while.

But you wanted this baby.Even if you were years younger than him (3-5 years younger..lol).You wanted to be that cooltrendy and young mom who pick there kids up at there soccer game not some old looking lady who brings there lunch bags at school!Duh!

You made your way home but to your shocking surprise...he was there...on the bed.On top of some other woman.

"Namjoon?"You cried as he suddenly cover himself but you didnt want to hear it anymore.He made love to some other woman on the bed you laid in.

You never looked back.


"Really Y/N?!I had to find out from Taehyung that you're fucking pregnant?!"Jungkook barged in,his face red and sweat dangled from his chin making you gulp.

"Goddamnit Y/N!"

"Im sorry okay!I was scared!I thought you never wanted a baby!For goodness sake Jungkook you're 20 and Im just 17!"You screamed.

"And I love you but you dont trust me!"He retorts but his voice never gets higher and that made you a little bit ease.

"I do trust you!More than I trusted anyone else including myself because I love you!I love you that it so fucking damn hurts!"

"But you clearly trust Taehyung more than me!And were talking about our baby Y/N!My child!Our child!And he's the one you told first?You know how that hurts my ego?"he asks with an expression you cant even make out from the sudden tension.

"Wow!That's all you have to say?Your ego?Goodness Jungkook!Oh I forgot!It's always about you!it-s always about the Golden Maknae,it's always about how Jungkook is this!How Jungkook is that!It's always about you!"You screamed.

"You know what...Im out of this"he scoffs and exits the room.


"Y/N what are these?"Your boyfriend Park Jimin asked making you stiff in your seat as your eyes darted towards the white figures in his palm.

"Jimin....Im pregnant"

"But...we used protection"he narrows his eyes at you making you gasp.Was he accusing you of cheating?Was he that dense?

"What are you implying Park?"You barked.

"Tell me honestly Y/N!Did you cheat on me?"

"No!I wouldnt do that!Not ever because I love you!"You said walking towards him.

"Well I dont even know what to do with you!Nor with the boy you fucked up!"

"If you dont know what to do with yourself and blame me we should go our seperate ways!"


"Jinnie?I want to eat green mangoes!"You pouted as he stared at you shocked at your request.

"But honey where in the world could you find those?"

"In the phillipines!I heard they dip it in spicy shrimp paste or soy sauce with salt!"you squealed.

"But you dont like those kind of food...what happened to you?"

"Err...nothing?"you said in a questioning tone.

"Omygod...your period is two months late,you vomit every morning,your getting prettier by the moment,you crave things and your getting fatter no offense but I think you're.."

"Hey hyung are you excited to be a dad?"Taehyung entered the room with a wide smile.

"Why didnt you tell me Y/N?"


In those few minutes you were silent he talked to Taetae but you couldnt hear them and suddenly he leaves.


"Taeimpregnant"you said hastily as his eyes widened.

"Y/N you're scaring me"

You shook your head and frowned making him gasp and back his steps.

"Is it mine?"

You narrowed your eyes at him making him gulp and dont wanna feel a pregnant woman's wrath so instead of saying something you didnt expect what he do next.

He ran through out the door.

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