When your in a sport..

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-Cause it be the power couple when your boyfriend's a basketball player.
-Doesn't care about other people and will walk up to you even you're in the middle of the court and peck your forehead.
"That's my girlfriend Motherfuckers!"

J Hope
-Brings a banner.
-Cheers loudly and scream his lungs out!
-Brings you to your favorite restaurant after.
"Whhoooo Y/N!"

Rap Mon
-Tells you to change even he knows its uniform.
-Checks you out.
-Fights a guy for staring at you.
"She's Mine!Now back off loser!"

-You tackled a girl and he stood there shooked!
-When you win he runs towards you even you're in the middle of the field.
-Treats you to ice cream after.
"You got me worried!What if she was the one who tackled you?!Im gonna kill that bich"

-Makes the whole audience cheer for you.
-Is by your side even he's not allowed.
-You lost a point but he persisted so instead you got second place you were eliminated.
-Sorries until next summer but you really worried more about him than that stupid contest.
"Im so sorry Babe we are gonna win this shit next year and Im sorry"

-Claps with class after the recital.
-Is the one who gives you the ribbon.
-And is surprisingly a judge cause hey...it's pink.
"That was actually lit Babe"he whispers.

-Plays with the tennis balls.
-Makes your opponent jealous by caring harder this time(Just think your opponent likes Taehyung..I mean who doesn't?)
-"Jagi were gonna win this thing"
-Is your pair in doubles

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