Mikoxreader ~ Nice tat

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Miko screamed and squealed as she grabbed my arm at the shop we groundbridged to without Ratchet's knowledge and then she grinned

"You have to show bulk.."

"What?! No! This has to stay a secret, hush-hush! Comprende??"

She simply grinned as I frowned at her

"Miko, I'm serious.. you can't tell the autobots or my uncle, he'd kill me." I said looking at her

She frowned and pouted "man, you're no fun, why bother get a sweet tat if no one is gonna see it?"

It was innocent, really.. a sweet little paw print, nothing to flip out over but my uncle was totally against tattoos but it was worse where it was located. Atop my right breast.

I glanced down and sighed "let's just go.. we should get back before ratchet gets suspicious."

Miko groaned but called Raf and said we were ready for pickup and we went out of the little town where the groundbridge awaited. We ran through and then the boys powered the groundbridge down

"Where did you guys even go?" Jack frowned

"Uh..." I glanced away

"Only my favorite store EVER! I got the new plushie!" Miko shrieked as she pulled out a small pocketsized plush from her pocket and shoved it in his face

"Oh." Jack blinked at the odd monster plushie inches from his face

Miko glanced back at me and winked as my cheeks darkened but I scrambled over to the couch and sat down

That night went on and everything went fine until the tattoo started to burn... everything went south.

I gently groped up towards my shoulder as I winced, i tried to hide it my best but then Arcee noticed me, all the bots were out in the main room, as well as my uncle and my friends..

"Y/n? What's the matter?"

"My shoulder.. its.. tense." I said lightly rubbing it

They left me be after that but then I ran off down the hall and into the training room as I crouched down and cried out in pain as I felt like my skin was peeling and then it hit me.

'I didn't apply any aftercare material on it nor did I get any.. that's why it must hurt.' I groaned at my stupidity and ripped off my shirt pulling it up and over my head and tossed it to the side as I applied pressure hoping it would just go away but I was in so much pain tears started streaming down my face

The doors whirred open but I didn't turn around

"Hey, y/n, why are you in here the party is out there. Y/n?"

I glanced up at Wheeljack who frowned "What's uh, goin on..?"

"Go get Miko, Please!" I pleaded "Don't tell the others! Just Miko"

"Okay, okay." He said before leaving as I trembled at the pain. If only I wasn't so careless..

Miko trotted in as Wheeljack walked in behind her

"Y/n! Dude, what are you doing??" She said trotting over to me and crouching down

"The aftercare supplies, Miko, we forgot it and now it hurts so bad.." I said as the tears ran down my face

"Oh, uhm.. hmmmm.. well what do we do??"

"Go back ..and get it.. I can't take this much longer i feel like ripping the skin off.." I said as I clung to my shoulders, my nails leaving claw marks on them

"What if it doesn't work?" Miko frowned

"I don't care just go get it, please." I looked at her

"Ok, I'll be back, Wheeljack, we got an errand to run. Y/N, just stay here!" Miko said as she trotted over to him and they rushed out

"No kidding.." I growled "just hurry.." I sat there for what felt like forever until the door whirred open "Miko?"

My horrors were realized when Optimus walked in 'shit shit shit shit..' I grabbed my shirt and wiped the tears from my face as i wrestled it on as I sweat at the sight of him when he came closer

"Y/N, why are you in here?"

"Oh, you know.. just get away from the gathering.." I shrugged "why are you in here?" I asked bluntly, a little rude sounding but he looked at me with a serious face

"My sensors are detecting abnormal heat resonating from you, a temperate of 101.. 2 degrees hotter than normal, are you feeling ill?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to get away from everyone for a little bit." I said with a somewhat forced smile

He hummed but nodded "should I get Ratchet?"

"No, I think I'm ok, just needed to get away from everyone for a little, I've been laying in here.."

He simply hummed before nodding "I see.. I hope you recover soon then." He said before leaving.

I ripped off my shirt again and groaned painfully. Optimus knew something was up, it's just a matter of time before he comes back.. WHERE'S MIKO?!

The door whirred open as she prayed for Miko as she glanced over to see Miko running over with a bag "I got it! I got it!

"Gimme it!" I ripped open the bag and grabbed the liquid bottle and squirted it on my chest as I slowly leaned forward until my head hit the floor as I laid out on the floor face first "Oh god.. this feels so fricking good.." I moaned the burning slowly died till it was gone as I jumped up "wow that was a lesson well learned.."

"What just happened?" Wheeljack frowned

"Nothing...?" Miko looked at me

"Human things.." I said looking at him

"Ok..?" He cocked an optic ridge before leaving

I grabbed my shirt and started putting it on I sighed "wow, did I learn my lesson not to forget aftercare supplies after getting a tattoo.. that burned like the dickens.."


I whipped around while yanking down my shirt to see Optimus and my uncle

My uncle marched over and looked at me "where is it?!"

"Where's what?" I asked

"The TATTOO! Young lady I will ground you for so long-"

"Alright, alright!" I said as I pulled down my shirt somewhat for him to see it

"We are getting that removed right now!" He grabbed my arm and started to drag me out

"WHAT?! But that hurt MORE than getting the tattoo itself!!" I said trying to pull away "No! Please!!"

"Agent Fowler." Optimus said looking down at him as he looked up "if I may.."

"What is it, Prime?"

"If the pain Y/N experienced is as invigorating as she claims it to be, do you not believe that is punishment enough?"

My uncle glanced away and thought about that before looking at me and letting me go as I looked at him

"Don't you ever let me see another tattoo on you again or next time it will be removed.. is that understood?"

I quickly nodded as he looked at me and frowned before leaving

I looked up at Optimus "OP, you are a life saver.."

Optimus left after my statement as I looked at Miko and sighed "I'm never getting another tattoo.."

She smirked "Yeah you will.." she hit my shoulder as we left

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