Ironhidexreader ~ Blind Faith - Final Part 4

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Y/n's eyes widen as she stared in horror at the scene infront of her, everything just seemed to slow down as Ironhide came crashing down "What have you done...?" He asked staring at his crumbling servo

"I hereby discharge you from duty.." Sentinel said cocking his weapon

"No..!" Ironhide tried to get away before Sentinel fired again

Sam starting screaming about Bumblebee as Lennox started barking orders. y/n's eyes welled with tears as she stared at Ironhide's crumbling form. He had looked at her but his optics held assurance while she felt like her insides twist and turn

"Y/N!!" Lennox was yelling as he was grabbing her, pulling her into the base

"We don't have enough men, do not engage sentinel!" He yelled

Men were yelled but it all fused together making it incoherent. Y/n sat there staring at the destruction Sentinel was laying on the base as he yelled out things, men continued yelling as they still tried to take Sentinel down. Y/n's heart was slowly crumbling as she crouched down clutching her stomach and closing her eyes as tears streamed down her face. "Ironhide..."
She stayed that way before she felt being gently shook 

She looked up to see Sam as his eyes looked glassy "Y/n.."

"Sam.." She looked down as the tears ran down her face "He's gone..."

Optimus drove in as Charolette started yelling at him as Lennox barked orders again.

"We have to go. We have to leave, now." Sam said helping her up

He ran off to save Carly as he made y/n stay in the RV with Sam's parents, she mostly sat in the back away from the 2. Her hair dangled in her face, hiding her away as the tears kept falling. Like an endless rain fall.

She just watched the love of her life shot and crumble up and wither away to dust until nothing was left. Of course she was traumatized.

Now she was left with her unborn child.

Ron and Judy were watching tv as she overheard the tv say that the Autobots were being forced to leave.

She started crying again. Everyone was leaving.


It took a lot of convincing to bring y/n back to the military base. After 2 months Ratchet wanted to see how the baby's development was as she sat there in the passenger seat in Bumblebee, her gloomy sad look stained her face.

Losing Ironhide was the worst thing that happened to the team and y/n. Now they had no weapon specialist and lost a great comrade and boyfriend.

Lennox looked over, and grasped her hand, giving an assured smile as she looked at him but looked away. She didn't want to be anywhere near the base. But yet they're making her come back.

They slowed as they pulled in as Bumblebee smoothly made his way into the hanger where Ratchet was waiting.

Bumblebee opened his doors as the 2 humans climbed out. She tried to not look so depressed infront of the bots but they just knew she was in pain.

They lead her back as Ratchet let his rays slowly descend from her head to toes. He looked at his sensors and softly hummed. "In human terms the baby is perfectly fine but speaking in Cybertronian, I'm not sure... It seems this child might just look human with no physical trace of alien DNA."

"That's good." Lennox said as he looked at her, she just slightly nodded.

In all honesty the baby wasn't perfect, the stress on y/n has put some on the baby but considering what she was going through he couldn't just say 'forget him, it's not healthy for the baby.' Atleast not without seeming like the biggest jerk ever.

"I want to leave.." She muttered glancing at the ground

"Bumblebee just left, we'll have to find another bot." Lennox said

"Fine. Then I'll just wait outside." She murmured and walked out.

Lennox went off to find another bot to get a lift from.

She walked around outside slightly pacing. The soldiers at the gate greeted her

"Hey, y/n." "Y/n! Haven't seen you in a while." "How's the baby?" "You've grown taller." But she simply smiled and nodded as they turned back to their jobs.

She turned back and stared at the spot Ironhide perished. Some of his fluids had stained the cement below. She felt sick as she cupped her hand over her mouth, tears started running from her eyes as she watched the scene replay in her head as if it happened meer seconds ago when in reality it happened a couple months ago. She had terrible nightmares, the memory kept replaying over and over. But then she'd dream and he recovered as they kept moving cautiously with their lives but then she'd wake up and run into the bathroom to puke. She never did look in her memory box after he died to see what he left behind, she was too scared to. But Lennox told her she should.

Lennox walked over and he grabbed her shoulder gently as she turned to him, he looked at her softly and seen the tears running down her cheeks as he extended his arms and wrapped them around her in an embrace as she embraced him tightly shoving her face into his chest while sobbing, grabbing at his shirt on his back as he rested his chin on her head and gently stroked her head and down her hair. He knew all about the nightmares, her night terrors, the fear of falling asleep and seeing the scene play over again and remind herself that he died protecting her and the baby. She blames herself. How Lennox was right, she was wrong.

But he keeps telling her he was in the wrong to try to tear them apart, she was just following what her head and heart wanted. Ironhide.

He pulled away and kept her at his side as she calmed down, he walked over towards the gate as Dino pulled up, allowing them to climb in as she remained silent all the way home.

Lennox went in with her while her parents weren't home as he sat down on the couch. She stood there in the doorway looking away but he looked up when she softly snorted, the slightest of a smile on her lips.

"What?" He asked curiously

She glanced back at him but softly sighed "Nothing, just.. Something Ironhide said.."

He slightly tilted his head looking at her "What'd he say?"

"Just.. Before everything started happening, he was going on and on about all the things he'd teach the baby.. Like how to handle a gun. He was so ecstatic to be a father.. But then I told him if anything ever happened to the baby while that happened i might turn the gun on him and he just... Laughed." She said looking at him "He started laughing. Like an uncontrollable one, I never seen him laugh like that but I just never knew what he found so funny.."

Lennox softly smiled, she didn't breakdown in an uncontrollable sob as she recited the memory.

She glanced away with the saddened look back on her face "But now he'll never get the chance.. To do all those things.. To get to see them grow up, go to college, get a house or even start a family of its own.."

"Those first steps, the first time for everything it will ever do in its life. But luckily you got me here to witness those moments with.. Watching a child grow up is a wonderful thing.. Like you." He got up and kissed her forehead "Go check that box... I'll talk to you later." He said before leaving.

She glanced away after he left but slowly went upstairs, trying to prepare herself for whatever he left. She walked into her room and stopped at her dresser before opening the small box to see an even smaller box with a paper sticking out as she pulled it out

'My love, If you're reading this it's because I've either passed on or you're just being nosy but if I have truly passed on I want you to have this, a piece of me. A piece of my spark. As long as you have this I will never really be gone, I'll be with you.'

she opened the box to see a necklace with a bright blue shard hanging from the bottom as she pulled it out and put it on. Tears flooded her eyes as she grasped onto the shard "Ironhide.."

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