Saying Goodbye

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Alison POV

Where is she?? I mean they? Where are they?? As soon as I said that Spencer and Aria walk through the door and I am brought out of my thoughts. "God, took yall long enough! I was starting to think you guys left me without saying goodbye"  I said standing up to hug the tall and short brunette.

"Are you kidding Ali, after everything we been through we would not dare leave without saying goodbye," Aria burst, and the three girls begin to laugh. 

Have you heard from Hanna or Em, I questions. As soon as the question left my mouth the bell to the door of the Brew chimes and I turns around to see Hanna and Emily walk in and greet us. My eyes meet Emily's as she walks over to hug me. The scent of Emily's Moonlight path lotion and spray from bath and body works always made me melt and make me want to stay in the closeness of Emily. Emily slowly breaks the lingering hug and smiles at me and leaves me feeling a little empty. God is this what it's going to feel like when she walks out that door. 

"I swear you two will be late to your own funeral," Spencer says and gains a chuckle from all the girls.

"I cant believe this will be the last time we all are together like this for a while," Emily says looking over and me and them looking into her coffee cup. I wonder what she is thinking, I say to myself. "Yea, I know. How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard," Spencer says trying hard to hold back the tears. Sniffs begin to be heard around the table and silence rang over them. "What brilliant scholar said that," Hanna says trying to break the sadness. "Winne the pooh," explains Spencer causing laughs among the girls breaking the tearful moment. 

After an hour or so of conversation about the last few months and their futures, Hanna gets her stuff together and gets up. "I need to get going," she says looking at her watch. "Yea me too," says Aria. The girls all stand up and share a group hung which they stay in for a moment then break away. Good bye guys, was all I could whisper with eyes full of tears when I notices Emily walking away. I cant let her leave like this. Come on Ali grow your balls back girl! "Emily!" I yells breaking out of my thoughts, "can I talk to you alone for a minute, please"

Emily POV

What does she have to talk to me alone about. I cant do this I have to go. "Ummmm, Ali I really have to get on the road. "It will only take a minute, I promise, she says to me with those beautiful ocean blue eyes of hers. As much as I just want to just walk out the Brew and drive off to my new life, I cant leave us like that, I mean her. "Ok Ali what's up?" I ask not sure if I am ready for this. "You know after everything that happened between us, you never got your happy ending, Pip doesn't get Estella in this ending," she says looking down at her hands. I see a tear fall onto the table. "Maybe fate just wasn't on their side, or our side, I whisper the last part not sure if she heard me. She then looks in my eyes and says, "I just wanted to say I am sorry for everything and I hope you enjoy California, I can see heart breaking in her eyes. Where was this girl a few months ago? Why is she waiting until I am on my way to another state to tell me this? All I could say was Goodbye Ali and walk out of the brew...and her life...

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