Big Dreams and Baby talk

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Emily's POV

I am brought out of my thoughts when my phone goes off. It's a text from my parents asking where I am. God, I'm so glad they are here, I am a nervous wreck. As I come out of the pool area and cut the corner to the student center, I see my mom and dad standing there with huge smiles across their faces and a blonde turning around to face me.

"Emmmmmmmmmmmmm,"  Hanna yells running straight towards me and jumps in my arms. "Hanna banana, I say hugging her for dear life. I've missed you so much Han,"  I say putting her down. "I've missed you too Em. We cant be going 2 years without seeing each other anymore," she says. I agree, I smile back.

I head over to my parents who was standing there with Alexa and greet them. We stand in the student center for a few mins before I realize I have to head to the main pool. Our meet starts in 30 mins and we have to warm up with the team. I bid my goodbyes and they all wish me luck and tell me I will do great. As I make my way to the main pool my mind flips over to Alison again and how she is supposed to be sharing this moment with me. A single tear drops from my eyes and I quickly wipe it again. "You cant do this to yourself right now Emily. This is your big chance don't blow it, I repeat to myself. I head towards my teammates and start warm ups. After a while the whistle blows which means they are ready to start. Coach calls us over and tells us the lineup. I am our teams anchor which means I am last, so everything rides on me at the end. As I head to my position, I look up and see my family in the stands and then the Olympic scout. My nerves are beginning to get the best of me, so I close my eyes.

"Don't be nervous mermaid, you know you got this," I hear Alison's voice say in my head.

 I open my eyes and see my teammate getting closer to the wall. Its almost my turn.

"Go my mermaid," I hear in Alison's voice again and I dive in and swam like my life depended on it. I swam so fast that I didn't realize that I was in the lead reaching the end of the pool.

"Come on mermaid reach for me,"  I hear her voice and see her reaching for me. I reach out to her until I am tapping the wall of the pool.

And the winners of the 100-yard relay is Pepperdine University and a new record time holder Emily Fields, anchor for Pepperdine University," The announcer says over the mic.

I hop out the pool and run to my teammates and look over to my family. "Thanks Ali," I whisper to myself and smile.

Alison's POV

I am on my lunch period and going through some lesson plans. My first day is actually going pretty well. There were a few times when some students would make smart remarks about me because they have heard about me and my past but for the most part the kids are attentive and ready to learn. I hear my phone buzz beside me and see that it is Aria calling.

"Her Ari, how are you," I say once I picked up. "Ali, hey love. I am good and how are you and my soon to be favorite little one," she says as I look down, rub my stomach and smile. We are great just going through some lesson plans. "Have you and Elliot thought of a name yet," she asks.

I frown. Elliott and I have truly been having a hard time picking a name for our baby girl. Its like nothing fits to us. Well mostly to me. 

"Unfortunately, no," I say. We can never agree on a name or nothing seems to fit for me. "Well Ali yall need to decide soon you only have 4 months left," she says. "I know, I know," I chuckle.

"So the real reason I called you is because I have some kind of big news," Aria starts. "What? Are you finally coming to your senses and taking Jason back," I say excited?  "Haha really funny," she says. "No, its about Emily actually. My heart dropped. "Is she alright,"  I questioned nervously. "She had an important meet today with an Olympic scout coming to watch," she says excitedly. "Hanna just texted us and told us she made it. Our Emily will be heading to the Olympics in 2018 and leaving for practice in 3 months," she says with even more excitement.
"Wow that's great! I always knew she could do it," was all I could say.

The phone call became very silent for a minute while I'm lost in the wave of emotions I was just hit with. I was supposed to be by her side when her Olympic dreams came true. But instead I made the biggest mistake and waiting to the last moment to tell her how I felt. I waited until it was too late.

"You should try to call her you know, Ari says with uncertainty in her voice. I am sure she would love to hear from you. "Yea, I have to go Ari. Lunch period is almost over so I will call you later, yea," I say trying to sound happy so she cant tell the pain in my voice. "Ok Ali, just think about it ok," she says. Bye Ari, love you, I say. "Love you too," she says and disconnecting the call.

I lay the phone down and let out a deep breathe that I did not realize I was holding. My mermaid is going to the Olympics. She really did it. I go back to going through the last few lesson plans before the bell rings and I can't help by hear Aria's voice," You should try to call her, she would love to hear from you. Maybe I will try to call her while Elliot is at work. I hope her number is still the same and as soon as I gave it a thought the next period bell rung. Gosh I can't wait to get home...

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