2 years later.....Moving on

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Alison's POV

6:50 am. As I stand in the mirror, looking at this new reflection of myself, rubbing my 5-month poked out belly and looking at the big diamond on my finger, I smile. A lot has change in two years. I have my associates degree in teaching. I decided to only do two years since I was already offered a job at Rosewood High to be the 10th grade English teacher and only 2 years of college credit was required. Yet again, who would've thought of me being a teacher, let alone at my old high school. But here I am getting ready for my 1st day. My fiancée Elliott is on night shifts at the local hospital, so he just got home from work and crawled into bed.

"Wow look at that beautiful belly,"  Elliott says stretching his arms and legs and rolling over on his side. I turn around and smile again. "Good morning sleepy head,"  I say walking over to the bed and greet him good morning with a kiss, I thought you were sleeping? "I was but the bed was cold, so I knew you were up," he says rubbing my belly. "How are my two favorite girls," he says. "We are great but if I don't get ready for work now I am going to be late for my 1st day of teaching," I say making my way off the bed to walk to the bathroom.

Elliot and I met through my brother Jason. They knew each other from when Jason was away helping in the Helping hands organizations over in Africa. Elliot was the doctor that assisted out there. Once Elliot got offered a job at Rosewood medical, he linked back up with Jason. Then we met, hit it off well, dated and here we are engaged and pregnant. I chuckle at the thought. Elliot is a good man, I love him and cant wait to start our life together. Even if I pictured this life with someone else.

"Babe, I know your in there day dreaming, your going to be late if you don't get a move on it," Elliot yells from our bedroom. I sigh coming out of my daydream, "I'm almost ready," I yell back. I walk out the bathroom, put on my pumps, kiss Elliot goodbye and fly out the door. I am never on time. Mostly because of my daydreams.

I haven't spoken to any of the girls besides Aria since they all left for college. I miss the girls so much especially Emily. I miss her everyday but after a while I had to realize that she wasn't coming back and it was time to move on. I try not to bring up her name in conversation with Aria, but she will slide information into the conversation just because she knows our history.

I pull up to Rosewood High and I can already feel all the memories from this place coming back. And like always when I am remembering anything from the past, she is right there in the middle. Its like I can still see that tan skin, those chocolate brown eyes, that gorgeous face and that beautiful smile. I really hope she's happy, is all I think as I head off to my 1st class.

Emily's POV

"Alexia, babe, have you seen my swim cap?" I yell to my girlfriend from the bottom of my closet pulling everything out. "Babe its in the bathroom," she says walking in our room looking at me laughing. "Oh yea, I forgot," I say kissing her cheek and running to the bathroom. A lot has changed in 2 years. Alexia and I have been dating for over a year. We became good friends at first but then feelings got stronger and we decided to give it a chance. We are currently living together which is good because between swim meets, training, and classes, I really don't have much time to work so living on my own was no longer an option. "Babe, I gone. I'll see you at the meet," I say to Alexa from the door. "Ok, I love you," she says as I walk out the door without saying a word. Don't get me wrong, I care about Alexia a lot I'm just not sure if I'm there with the love thing yet. Especially when someone else still holds my heart. I shake the thought of "her" out of my head and pick up the phone to call my Hanna Banana. Today is a special meet for me. This may be my chance to head to the Olympics, and my parents along with Hanna are coming to cheer me on. I've reached out to the other girls, minus "her" to come but they couldn't make it. 

"Emmmmmmm, I'm on my way bitch," Hanna says as soon as she picks up the phone. "God, I cant wait to see it. Its been 2 years too long,"  I say back. "I know, I know. But ill be there soon," she says. "Ok, ill see you soon Hanna banana. "Alright Em, ill call you when I land. Later!" she says ending the call.

I head to the campus pool to do a few laps before I meet up with my parents and Hanna before my meet. I stand on the edge of the pool, look down at the water and dip my toe in. I close my eyes and remember...


"Em stop!!! The water is so cold," Alison screams as I lift her up and drop her in the water. I jump in after and she pops up out of the water. "I hate you," she says squinting her face. "No, you don't," I say as I cup her face and kiss her soft now wet lips and laugh. She wraps her arms around my neck and looks into my eyes. "My mermaid," she whispers with so much love behind it. We break apart and we swim to the end of the pool and I lift her and place her on the edge. "One day this will take me to the Olympics," I say looking down at the water. "And I will be right there cheering you on," she says kissing me on my nose. I pull her back in the water and we play in the water for hours.

End of Flashback

I sigh thinking about how Alison should be here, in the stands, cheering me on. Man, fate is a real bitch.


Em is right, fate is a bitch!! and Ali prego?? and engaged?? well then!! I guess she has truly moved on!! 

Thanks for the views and likes!! I greatly appreciated it. I won't be able to get a new chapter out for a few days but I promise the next two chapters will be juicy!!!!

Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

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