The Aftermath...

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*****Sorry if the chapter sucks! Like I said before I neglected the story for so long and had to come back and begin where I left off so it was a bit tough. There is more juice coming so bare with me. But enjoy :)


Emily starts to stir in her sleep. Her eyes begin to flutter open as the bright morning sun beans in on her. She rolls over to only feel the coldness of an empty bed. As she sits up, the flashback of the night before and an overwhelming feeling of guilt rushes through her whole body. Realizing she had to do some major damage control between her and Alexia, Emily jumps out of bed and heads to the kitchen in hopes that Alexia is still there so she can try to explain. Even though there really wasn't much explaining she could do in this case.

"Morning," Emily says announcing her presence only to get complete silence from the blonde haired girl with her back turned. Emily drops her head knowing she is in a world of shit for the words she screamed out during their hot sex session the night before.

"Lex, I know your angry at me but if you let me explain," Emily starts off only to be cut off by Alexia sighing. "There is nothing to explain Emily. I have to go," Alexia replies as she makes her way out the kitchen, grabbing her car keys and slamming the door behind her.

Emily hangs her head low once again knowing she has really messed up this time. Grabbing a bottled water out the fridge and some aspirin, Emily gets lost in her thoughts. Thinking back to the phone call she received just before she got completely shit faced and maybe ruined the only real relationship she has ever. Well  since "her".  She knew there was only one person she could call to help sort this out.

"Well good morning Olympian," Hanna says laughing. "Hey Han," Emily replies with a sad tone. "Em, whats the matter? You sound upset," Hanna replies back with concern.

"Alison called while we were at dinner last night, we talked, she congratulated me, asked could she call or text me some time, I said yes, Alexia and I had sex after the club and I called her Alison and now she is pissed at me and I don't know what to do," the brunette all in one breathe.

"Well, I need you to breathe for starters  and you could have skipped that whole part about you and Lex having sex, Hanna replied with a slight chuckle. That is one image  I do not need, putting the emphasis on DO NOT."

 "Its not funny, Han, I feel like a piece of shit and I don't really know how to feel after talking to her," Emily replied frustrated.

Hanna knows the history between Alison and Emily and how Alison treated her best friend when they were teens. It would always frustrate Hanna how much hold Alison had over Emily especially when Emily was dating someone. Alison would get jealous, sweet talk Emily enough to where she would dump who she was dating thinking she had a chance to be with Alison. Only to have Alison humiliate her saying she isn't gay and only sees Emily as a friend after leading her on.

"Em, your life is going in a new direction. Don't let the past mess up your future like you have always done. Rosewood is your past and the Olympics and Alexia are your future," Hanna lectures. 

"You're right Han. I cant mess up my relationship with Alexia just because of this one phone call I had with Alison that I haven't spoken too in two years," Emily replies. "I know exactly what I have to do to make it right with Alexia. Thanks Han you're the best," Emily says excitedly. And with that she ended the call with Hanna and got herself showered, dressed and out the door.

Later that evening Emily knew her girlfriend was due home soon. She had been texting little apologies to her all day in hopes that by the time she returned home she would have soften a little. Emily knew she had to fix things and it couldn't just be with an I'm sorry. It needed to be more. There was only one way she felt she could prove to Alexia that she loved only her and only wanted to be with her.

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