I love them both....

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Alison found herself continuously thinking about Emily throughout the day. Now laying in bed feeling the kicks of the little human growing inside of her, she becomes a bit nervous with her decision to contact the brunette while Elliot is working at the hospital that evening.

"I'm headed to work babe. I love you and I love you too princess Amelie," Elliot says leaving kisses on her forehead and on her belly.

"We love you too," Alison responds rubbing her belly. "Have a good night at work babe and save a life". Elliot lets out a laugh and heads out their bedroom door and out the front door.

Immediately after he leaves Alison's thoughts jump right back to Emily. It's like her brain is programed to think of the brunette all the time especially when she is not around Elliot. It is not like the blonde doesn't love her soon to be husband and the father of her child because she does. Is it possible to love two people at the same time because this is truly how the blonde feels?

No longer having the confidence because of her constant thoughts on overdrive, the blonde was starting to go back on her decision to contact the brunette. Picking up the phone Alison decides to dial a familiar number.

"Well look who decides to call me back finally," the brunette says sarcastically on the other end of the phone. This is not how you treat your best friend, let alone God mother to the little girl growing in your belly that I hope you have FINALLY given a name.

"Hey Ari, Alison says snickering in amusement. I know I have been a sucky friend but with being 6 months pregnant, grading papers, teaching, decorating a nursery and planning a wedding, I can hardly remember my name," Alison concludes.

Laughing at the blonde's statement Aria questions again, "But again, in all that busyness have yall named my God daughter? And Please don't tell me it is one of those crazy names that these celebrities give their children like North, Star, Moon or Blue Ivy," the brunette says laughing.

"Elliot gave me full permission to name our princess, so I can guarantee she has a strong name," Alison responds chuckling a bit. "Princess Amelie is her name," the blonde states confidently proud.

"Oh," the brunette begins with a hit of disappointment in her voice. "I'm sure glad Elliot doesn't know much about your past outside of your family and me, the brunette finishes with a sigh. "I don't think he would be ok with naming his daughter after your old fling/best friend if he did.

Even though Alison and Emily tried to hide their relationship from the girls, they were always aware of the special connection between the pair and once Emily came out it was clear who had the strongest feelings at the time out of the two.

"I am not naming her after Emily. I've always thought the name was beautiful, Alison fires back smugly trying her best to convince the brunette that it wasn't the case.

"Tell that to someone who doesn't know you Ali," the brunette lashes back. That is not fair to Elliot or you. "I thought you were over her, especially getting married and having a baby with someone else". "Don't you love Elliot? If not, you really need to stop being a coward and stop hurting people and be honest for once," the brunette lectures in frustration.

Alison sat there in complete silence. She knew that Aria was right, and she wasn't mad at her best friend for lashing out at her. But it is true what that they say, "the truth hurts" because that stung a bit.

Alison never told Elliot about Emily because in all honesty she has never told anyone how she truly feels about the brunette. Yes, the girls knew they shared feelings for each other, but they knew that Emily held actual feelings for Alison were as she was just stringing Emily along most of the time when she was bored or was jealous of Emily putting her attention somewhere else. Aria only recently learned Alison's true feelings for Emily.

"I am over her and I do love Elliot and want to start a future with him Aria," Alison replies with a sigh. "I just miss her. I mean we were best friends".

"Yea, friends who loved each other more than "just friends. Are you saying this out loud to convince  yourself you are over her Ali," the brunette fires back rolling her eyes to herself.

Alison clears her throat, "Have you spoken to Emily? I didn't tell you that I called her a month ago to congratulate her on the Olympics like you suggested," she states. "The conversation was short but good and she said I could call or text her sometimes which meant she wanted to keep contact, but I haven't heard from her since then," the blonde concludes with a hint a sadness.

"I have," Aria responds sighing loudly on the other end. "Ali, she is engaged to her girlfriend she has been with for over a year or so. She called Hanna, Spencer and I before she left to start her Olympic training and told us the news," she says sympathetically. "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I really didn't know how."

The blonde could feel her heart breaking into a million pieces and began to feel the warm drops of tears trickle down her face. Alison rarely shows any emotion to anyone. The only person that has seen that side of her is Emily. Not even Elliot has seen her cry. She knew her emotions would start to take over and did not want Aria to hear her breakdown.

With a crack in her voice Alison speaks, "I am happy for her. "I have to go Aria, I will call you tomorrow." The blonde now eager to end the conversation, she says good night to the brunette and disconnects the call.

Trying to hold back tears, Alison knew she couldn't go on like this. The love of her life engaged to someone else? The blonde is hit with a wave of emotions. Who was this girl hat stole away her mermaid and was this the reason why the brunette never contacted her? Could she really just let Emily go like that? What fighting chance did she have to get the brunette back in her life now that she is engaged? Even if it is just as her best friend.

Alison's mind began to race again as she grabs her phone and opens up her text messages to a unfamiliar number....

Begin text

"Hi Emily, this is Alison. I know we haven't spoken since I called to congratulate you on the Olympics and after speaking with Aria this evening I know why. I am happy you have found someone to love you the way I didn't. I will always regret that. But your happiness means a lot to me, so I want to say congratulations on your engagement. I know that may not mean much coming from me, but I deeply mean it. You were my best friend Em. Always will be and I miss that. I just hope you have enough room to allow us to get that friendship back. Having you in my life as my best friend is better than nothing at all. I love you Em. And hopefully we can get that friendship back. Good night mermaid. -----Alison.

End Text and send....

After releasing a breath she did not realize she was holding, Alison places the phone on the night stand beside her and shut off the light. As the blonde closed her eyes and began to settle in a comfortable position to sleep, she is broken out of her instant sleep and her eyes are shot back open from the buzzing of her phone. Full of emotions the blonde is scared to even move.  

As the nervous blonde reaches for her phone and rubs her eyes open, she begins the read the new text message she received. A shot of butterflies rumbled in her belly and she was pretty sure Amelie felt them too because she began to move around a lot.

"Hello Alison. Are you still awake? Can we talk?........

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