Here we go CP:1

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My name is Y/N, and I live on earth. No, I am not mortal if that is what you are inquiring. I am I fact from Asgard, I am a yourshiesk (your-shek). I am an ancient being that is able to disguise them self to look like a human, when in reality they have the wings of a mighty bird, and the lifespans of a god. We were the alfathers secret weapon, if things got a bit out of hand in the battle field, we would swoop in and push the enemy back with ease. We were legends on Asgard. Most never knew of our existence, but we were still there. Until Thor came and basically stole our job...

I was sent to live on earth because of the alfathers lack of... How should I say it...oh yeah, bravery. I know the real truth behind all the gold, jewels, and treasure. I know how he really got it. He and Hela had slain many realms, destroying the lives of innocents and dancing upon their ashes.

All of a sudden he wanted to become a noble king, but deep down he will always know what he had done. He can never turn back time and change what he had done, only live with the mistakes he had made. He tried to forget. He banished Hela, had Thor and Loki. Well..had Thor, got Loki. Ah yes, the frost giant, left out on a freezing dying planet, how kind of Odin to take him in. To have some extra blackmail against the frost giants. Only for him to try and conquer Earth and try to take over Asgard. Oh how he fooled everyone into thinking he died, more than once... I had always thought of Loki as...interesting. I never understood why people feel this way, I want to just... See him. Wait what? no. Stop...just stop.

I finally got the courage to role out of my bed and stretch my wings. I folded them up and put them into their usual form, a tattoo of bird wings that extends down the sides of my back. Brushing my H/L H/C hair and styling it the way I want, I went to my closet to pick out something to wear to go out. I didn't have a job, and quite frankly I don't need one, yourshiesk' so don't need jobs. I love to practice magic. It is a skill all yourshiesk's learn when they are young. I just conjure up money when ever I need it.

I walk out of my F/C apartment door and lock it behind me.

"Where shall I go today?" I question myself as I start to walk out of the building. I see a construction site up the road and I can't help but think of the old days when I would fight along side my fellow yourshiesk's in battle. How I missed the old days of battle. I would fly above the clouds and rain acid with every strike. Free to fly wherever, whenever, and however I wanted. But now, I am stuck on this planet... With nothing to do except watch and wait... And of corse visit my very.... Strange friend every once and a while.

I get to the site and just stand at the gate entrance watching as the metal machine throws its claw at the once stable wall. Its a relaxing moment until I hear a deep voice behind me. "Did you leave him at the door or in the building?" I turn my head slightly and see... Thor? There standing in a jacket and jeans hiding an umbrella in the middle of a perfect day is Thor, son of Odin. The prince of the empire I once served.

And there standing next to him is the one and only God of mischief, Loki. I wonder how long it took for Thor to figure out that Loki was actually playing him the whole time?

I turn my head back to the rubble in front of me and hear a yelp. I turn around and see Loki gone and Thor standing over a card poking at it with his umbrella saying "Loki?" I contemplate going over to him or not, maybe I'll just go and see my strange friend first...

Edited by MarvelGuardPerson/MarvelGuard101

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