Well thats nice CP:5

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"What are you doing here?" I questioned slightly happy that I wasn't alone on this foreign planet.

"I came to rescue you from this dreadful room" he gestured to the room with his hands as he approached me.

"And where am I supposed to go? Am I going to have my own room?"

"No, you are going to stay at my chambers" he smiled

"I'd rather stay with the dumb green bean" I said turning to face the window.

"Surely staying with a God is much better than staying with that ignorant beast" he laughed and came closer to me.

"If was any other god it would be, but sadly it's not."

"What did I ever do to make you hate me so?." He laughed again

"Oh I don't know, tried to kill your brother, tried to take over a planet, faked your death, oh ya killed your father- ruler of Asgard yesterday, shall I go on?"

"He's not my father" he said, his smile faded and his voice growing deep.

"And Laufey was?" Loki stayed silent, I heard his graceful footsteps come closer to me. I swiftly turned in time to see him raise his hand ready to strike me. I dodged it and held my katana to his neck.

"Daddy issues?" I smiled backing away.

By now he was fuming "I am trying to do the nice thing-"

"For once" I smiled cutting him off.

Loki took a deep breath and smiled back at me. "You want to play that game?"

"I've been playing that game my whole life, come at me greeny" I put my katanas away and held open my arms.

He smirked, he was in front of me within a few strides almost pressing up against me "This is a dangerous game Y/N, I don't want you to get... Hurt" he said bringing has lips almost to my ear.

"It's a little to late for that, I am a yourshiesk after all" I whispered back.

I could feel him smile against my skin, what is this god doing to me..

"I could do a lot more if we-"

"Sadly we will never get to see that day, and stop reading my mind you perv" I said cutting him off a second time.

He looked slightly disappointed but quickly his it with a smirk. "Alright, alright. But it's your fault for thinking it." he said putting his hands up in defense and backing away slightly.

"Don't test me trickster. I will kill you without batting an eye."

"At least let me take you out to get you some food, you can't stay in here forever" his smile returning.

I smiled "that sounds nice, I'm starving."

Loki x reader Ragnarok {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now