What is that? CP:6

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We teleported out into the hall where we see a girl, the same girl that the green beast called Hulk went with.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked looking at Loki.

"I am taking her out to get some food, there is no rule against that" he said

"She is my contender, I am the one who takes her, not you" she said pointing a finger at Loki.

"I'm your what?" I say looking at her. She turns her head towards me and laughs. "You are a good fighter, you fought a good battle when I brought you and mister magic over there, here"

"But that didn't answer-"

"Look" Loki cut me off "we are just going to get something to eat, no more"

"But sadly I can't let you do that..." The girl trailed off.

"And why not?" Loki said stepping forward slightly.

"Because I know you God of mischief, and you might try and run off with my next victor here" she gestured to me with her hand. She was holding something. It looked like a small lighter people on midgard carry around in their pocket.

"And what will happen if I do?" Loki questions.

She held up the small object and had her thumb on a button. "This will happen" Loki looked shocked and worried and bit when he saw it.

"So hand her over or I'll press it"

"What will that even do?" I asked raising an eyebrow. (I wish I could do that! XD sorry I had to)

She smiled and pressed it. Loki looked at me and so did she, Loki held onto my arm like I was going to faint.
Nothing happened...

I looked over at Loki and put my hand over his and took his hand off my arm.
"Was something supposed to happen?" I asked

"What? H-how did you?" She looked at my neck her eyes growing wide.

I smirked and took off the thing on my neck like it was a sticker, "this thing was not that hard to get off" I crushed it in my hands and flicked it at her. She caught it and stared at it. Loki immediately took the chance and teleported us out of the hall and into another empty one.

"How did you do that?" He took my shoulders in his hands and looked into my eyes.

"Um do what?" I asked smirking

"This thing on your neck is supposed to send out a big enough shock even the best of warriors can not handle" he said pointing to the metal thing on my neck. He looked like he was a dear caught in a vehicles headlights, as midgardians say.

"It wasn't that hard really, if you have a high pain tolerance, and the help of some magic" I smiled lightly.

He returned the smile and removed his hands from my shoulders.

"You are just full of surprises aren't you?" He laughed.

We were interrupted by our stomach's growling at the same time, I laughed and looked down the hall.

I could hear people talking, loud music and the clashing of porcelain, assuming it was the dining area I started walking, Loki following after. We enter the area and look around, there are many people dancing, sitting, drinking and just talking.

I make my way over to the food while Loki makes his way over to the drinks. Typical. I grab a weird looking plate and start piling on food. Most of it looks good and some of it doesn't even look edible. I reach a table where all of the food is soup, and that's when I see one of the bowls start to move. Um is it supposed to do that?

I walk closer to the food and see something pop out of it. I just stare at it for a while. Then it looks at me, it's kinda cute. It kinda looks like a really fuzzy baby fox with feathers on its ears, it was adorable.

"Hey little guy..." I say walking towards it with my hand outstretched.

It backs up a little afraid of me. "I'm not gonna hurt ya" I smile. It sniffs me and slowly makes its way onto my hand.

"There, see." I smile putting down my plate to reach my hand up to pet it.

"Your a cutie aren't you?" It closes its eyes and let's my stroke its fuzzy back. I hear yelling from behind me and turn around to see some guy running up to me with a knife.

"WOH WOH! What's your problem!?" I yell hugging the creature closer to my chest.

"That thing has been ruining my food for the past month!"

"He's just hungry! Give em' a break"

"Oh I'll give it a break alright" he said raising his knife.

"No! I'll take him! Don't hurt him" I said holding the creature closer, petting it.

"Ya ya, if I see that thing near my food ever again it won't end well for it!" The man said lowering his knife, walking back to another room. I let out a breath of relief, and so did the creature.

I held him up closet to my face so I can get a good look at him, he was covered in pink goo. I picked up a napkin from the table and wiped it off. He made a grumbling sound as I did, I assume it is... Purring.

I smile putting the napkin down, "what am I going to name you?"

What should I name it? I haven't decided whether it is going to be a boy or a girl yet so, comment what the name should be, whichever name I like best will decide the gender.

And thank you so much for actually reading this book, I know it's not the best, I'm trying. So thank you so much.

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