Chapter 5

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Violets pov
"I'm gonna talk to Zane." Barrett said
"That's a terrible idea." I said
"What? No, he might know something." Grover said
"And you think he's gonna open up to Barrett?" I asked
"I can be persuasive." Barrett said
"I should go." I said
"Whoa. Whoa. No, you seem like the last person he would talk to." Grover said
"I'm the only person that could get him to open up." I said
"Why don't I talk to him first?"Grover said
"Grover, I'll be fine." I said

Zoey's pov
"You lost someone." Anka said noticing me sitting on the floor staring at the wall where we write the names of those we lost and sitting next to me.
"No, I just come here for the view." I said sarcastically before noticing the look she was giving me, I sighed.
"It's my boyfriend, LeShaen." I said.
"I'm sorry. Guessing we all lost people to the freaks." Anka said
"Ironically, it wasn't even the freaks. Just an infection." I said
"None of this is easy."
"I wasn't even with him in the end. It was Barrett and Mia."
"At least he wasn't alone."
"He hated Barrett. If anyone could've figured out how to save LeShaen, it would've been him."
"What?" I asked noticing she was giving me a wired look.
"It's none of my business."
"Just tell me."
"Doesn't Barrett have a crush on you?"
"Yeah, but he would do everything he could to help him."
"Of course. You know him better than I do."
"He wouldn't purposefully hurt him, if that's what you're thinking."
"I didn't say he would."
"Mia was there" I said.
"Are you sure she was there the whole time? That she didn't leave the room? Even for a second?" Anka asked
"No" I whispered.

Mia's pov
"We should probably head back to the others before they worry" Noodle said.
"I'd rather not. I don't trust the new people, especially while I'm this pregnant, I don't know what they're capable of and I don't think I can waddle away fast enough."
"You don't waddle" Noodle said
"Yes I do, it's highly unattractive, but I can't help it my belly's to big"
"Well personally I like the size of your belly, it means that our baby is well feed and healthy. She's the perfect size for a five months" Noodle said kissing my stomach. (A/n Mia's baby bump is the picture at the top or side)
"Yeah, thank god Grover brought back that food. Speaking of which I'm kinda hungry" I said causing Noodle to laugh
"When Grover brought back the food diesel took two boxes before grover counted them. He gave them to me told me to hide them somewhere for you. They're in the corner over there under the frog costume" Noodle said pointing to where the boxes are.
"Why'd he do that?" I asked.
"We all agreed that people with babies need more food, but from the second those new people arrived he hasn't trusted them, he doesn't think they'll agree that you get more than them, Being rich brats and all." Noodle said causing me to laugh.

Violets pov
"So all this time and nothing weird?" I asked Zane talking about Anka and ollie.
"So let me get this straight. We're friends now?" Zane asked
"No, we're not." I said
"Look, when I found those two, they were waylaid in a Beemer, looking like they were praying for a tow truck. I didn't interrogate them before offering help."
"You were with them for five days." I said
"She's a pretty girl, Zane."
"Okay, here we go." Zane said exasperated.
"You know you hit on everything that moves." I said annoyed
"Look, nothing happened with me and Anka."
"So she shut you down. Did you learn anything about what actually might help us?" I asked
"Look, you know what? Talk to Felicity. Hell, talk to Red. They were there, too. They keep to themselves. They argue a lot. He's a vegetarian, - she's a bitch." Zane said
"Well, see? I didn't know he was a vegetarian." I said sassily
"I'll say this: in five days, those two didn't even take a leak without a lookout. Not once. If Diesel found them alone, you're right Something's off." Zane said.

Diesels pov
"Diesel, I've been looking for you.What is all this? You you took these off dead freaks?" Felicity asked looking at all the trinkets I had on the table.
"Yeah. You never know what's gonna be useful." I said
"It's a crucifix." Felicity said picking up one of the items
"Well, maybe I'll melt it down into bullets."
"My brother took my son hunting once when he was a teenager. Got a six-point buck. That his first time? And last. Killing something didn't feel as good as he thought it would." Felicity said.
"You think he'd feel that way if the deer tried to eat him?" I asked
"You shouldn't be killing them."
"What if they killed him, hm? Your son. Would you would you wanna kill 'em?"
"Well, of course I would want to. But that doesn't mean I should."
"All right, so he wasn't in the Valley when all this happened."
"That's not what this is about."
"Come on. That's exactly what this is about. So, what where does he live?"
"Why don't you talk to me when you've lost everyone."
"My husband turned and killed my daughter." Felicity said
"They're monsters, man." I said
"They're still God's creatures."
"Lady, none of these things are gonna see inside of a church again, trust me."
"There's still something human in them." Felicity said trying to hand me back the crucifix
"I'm good." I said

Barretts pov
"I think it was Hershey's or Crunch Bar, maybe." I said looking through the food boxes for the missing chocolate
"Can you stop for a second? " Zoey asked me
"I know Grover brought a whole box back."
"I wanna talk about LeShaen."
"What do you mean?"
"It's about how he died. I know I mean, I know that, um I should have been there." Zoey said
"He went peacefully."
"Is that it?"
"I don't know what else to add. He was asleep and then he was gone. LeShaen told me how much he loved you."
"He was speaking?" Zoey asked voice cracking
"I know this is hard."
"What else did he say?"
"Zoe, take solace in knowing that LeShaen died a hero."
"A hero."
"It was like he knew his quick death could save us all. And if he waited any longer, he could've got us all killed."
"Yeah, I know, I know, I know." Zoey said.
"Guys, you gotta see this." Noodle said breaking up our moment
"What?" I asked
"Just come." Mia said politely
"Now." Noodle adding urgently.

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