Chapter 4

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Mia's pov
"Vi, you okay?" I asked noticing her alone in a room staring at the ceiling.
"Zanes here" she said.
"WHAT?" I asked
"Have you been crying?" She asked looking at me
"No, where's Zane?"
"Cafeteria with Grover." She said.
"Yeah, well, that's 'cause she's a crazy bitch." I heard Zane said as I made my way to the cafeteria
"Hey, man, come on. You don't need to talk about her like that." Grover said.
"She put a homemade explosive in my truck and blew it up"
"Holy shit." Grover said
"Yeah. I wasn't joking when I called her psycho." Zane said.
"Oh, she must have had a reason for that."
"What, because I talked to some girls at a party? "
"You mean you cheated on her." I yelled walking in and punching him in the face.
"Mia" Grover yelled grabbing a hold of me.
"You stay the fuck away from my sister or I'll kill you. You get me?" I said.
"I thought you were the sweet one, looks like crazy runs in the family" Zane said walking away as I tried to get at him again.
"Mia. What the hell? Calm down" Grover said trying to hold me back as I continued to struggle.
"Grover? What are you doing? Let her go" Noodle said walking in the door.
"She punched Zane" Grover said.
"He kinds deserved it" Noodle said.
"I'm trying to keep the peace, okay?" Grover said.
"You shouldn't have brought them here" I said.
"Just talk some sense into her please" Grover said to noodle leaving the room.
"It's the hormones" Noodle said trying to defend me, just as Grover exited.
"We need to talk" Noodle said seriously.
"I know" I said following noodle out the door as he headed to our spot. Our spot, I wonder if I can even call it that now.

Barretts pov
"I'm concerned about these people." I said talking to Zoey as she looked at the clothes in the lost in found.
"Grover brought back. I'm happy Grover found them. They're gonna be a significant drain on our resources, and they're still carrying around their guns."
"Are you listening to me? Are you listening to me? I said let it go." Zoey said.
"I don't know why you're upset with me."
"I've been walking around in bloody clothes for days, and I didn't even notice."
"There were more pressing concerns."
"You knew me. Does that sound like something I would do?" Zoey asked tears up
" Of course not."
"And yet"
"You haven't been behaving as you normally would. None of us have."
"I've lost so much." Zoey said.
"I know.
"Natalie, LeShaen, And I thought my mom and my brothers, and then these people come. And then you just want to kick them out?"
" I think we should consider the consequences."
"Yeah, but they're not freaks. They're not people trying to poison us. They're just regular people who survived without the protection of this school."
"If they survived out there, you think maybe your brothers did too" I said.
"And I hope somebody would take them in."
"Your clothes are all bloody.Here." Zoey said handing me a new shirt and leaving.

Violets pov
"You talked to Zane." I said noticing Grover acting a little weird.
"He told you everything?"
"He told me enough."
"Look, Grover"
"No, no, look, it's none of my business."
"Right, it's not. But I know how it sounds. I freaked out, okay? I don't do well when people lie to me."
"Yeah, yeah, nobody does." He said
"I just don't want you to go around thinking that I'm some crazy person who just loses control. That's not who I am. Just like I know you're not some creepy stalker who goes to detention to pick up on girls." I said
"It's just the one." He said pulling me into a hug.
"Just so you know, Your sister punched him." Grover said pulling away from the hug.
"She did?"
"And threatened to kill him if he came near you" Grover said causing me to laugh.

Mia's pov
"I didn't want to, I just didn't know what else to do" I said finishing my story.
"He asked?"
"I don't blame you Mia." Noodle said after a long silent pause. "I just needed some time to clear my head. I shouldn't have left like that"
"You had every right to leave noodle, I'm just glad you came back" I said grabbing ahold of his hand.
"I would never leave you... Or her" Noodle said placing his hand on my stomach.

Third person
"There are blood stains everywhere." Anka said as what's left of the original school group showed the newbies the bunker in which they would be staying.
"Well, a lot of people have died in this room. I think I've got a mop if you want to clean it up." Violet said
"I haven't slept on a bed since it happened. Or slept, really." Sadie said
"Well, these are nice. More comfortable than they look." Zoey said.
"Avoid the science wing at all costs. There are freaks there. It's probably best not to wander the halls until you're more familiar with the school."
"Wait, there are still freaks loose?" Zane asked.
"It's time. Let's go." Anka said to ollie once everyone else in the bunker was asleep.
"You check this hallway. I'll take the other one." Anka said to ollie as they went there separate ways. Ollie walking towards a dark room at the end of the hallway about to enter when Anka calls him. "Ollie, I think it's this way." She says causing ollie to turn and walk the other way with her as they round a corner. A big, buff man belonging to neither of the groups walks out of the dark room, going un-noticed by everyone.
As ollie and Anka round their second corner they bump into diesel with their gun aimed at his head.
"What the hell?" Diesel said causing them to drop their guns.

Grovers pov
"We didn't do anything." Ollie said as we got them back to the bunker with the rest of their people, our people all looking at them angry.
"You almost killed Diesel." Barrett said
"Yeah, but I didn't. He's fine. I'm the one who's still having heart palpitations." Ollie said.
"What were you two doing on the second floor in the middle of the night anyway?" Barrett asked.
"We were just looking for a place to sleep. Like I told ginger over there, the fallout shelter wasn't working for us." Anka said.
"They easily could have shot Diesel. The guns have to go. Guys, things almost went really south tonight. We can't let that happen again." I said.
"You're right. We screwed up. We'll give you the guns." Anka said.
"What? Yo, what the hell, Anka? Look, you don't get to make that call just because you and Draco Malfoy here wanted a cushier place to sleep." Zane said.
"Put yourself in their shoes. I think we're better off giving up our guns and starting to trust each other." Anka said handing over her gun
"Thank you, Anka." I said. As everyone else sighed and handed over their guns.

Diesels pov
"There's something off with those two." I said
"They seem like spoiled rich kids to me. At least Anka got them to give us their guns." Grover said
"I don't know, man. Something's not fitting."
"I'm worried about Zane. For a minute there, I didn't think he was gonna back down."
"That's not why you're worried about Zane."
"Yeah. Yeah, I actually thought he was cool before I found out that he and Violet can't even stand to be in the same room as each other."
"It's that bad, huh?"
"It wasn't good. She did something pretty extreme." Grover said
"You know how I felt, man. I felt like out of all this shit that I've been through in my life, there is no way that Natalie would want to be with me.And then one day she came, and she said, "It don't matter. " And somehow, man, she was she was right." I said
"I don't know. Maybe it was different for you guys."
"Maybe, maybe not. That's your call."

Ankas pov
"That couldn't have gone any worse." Ollie said
"Yeah, thanks to you." I said.
"I'm not the one who volunteered to give up our guns. What are we supposed to do now?"
"Calm down. Do you really think I would let these people take our only form of protection?" I said pulling a gun out of my bag to show him, before sliding it back in.

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