Chapter 15

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Mia's pov
Noodle pushed me even further not stopping till we got far away and entered a car.
"Noodle we have to go back. They could be in trouble" I said in hysterics.
"Hey, hey, look at me" noodle said grabbing my hands.
"We can't go back, okay? We can't. They have guns Mia"
"What do we do? Noodle if something goes wrong I wouldn't be able to protect myself let alone you. If something happens I want you to promise you'll save yourself" I said
"Not gonna happen Mia, you're my number one priority"
"I dont want to drag you down with me noodle."
"Well be fine Mia we just need to find somewhere safe"
"Safe" I whispered.
"Mia what is it?" Noodle asked.
"Does this car work?" I asked causing noodle to turn the key and see it did in fact work.
"Go straight and turn left at the end of the street" I said Noodle drove the car the direction I said.
"Where are we going?" He asked briefly glancing at me.
"A safehouse, I mean its not actually a house its a store but anyway,when we started project Zulu we made a safehouse, a place to go, a meet up point if something went wrong" I said excitedly.
"Mia, I dont want you getting your hopes up about all your hacker friends being there" Noodle sighed.
"I'm not I doubt they're still there after Barrett broadcasted on an open channel but if Barrett got out" I said
"He'd go there" Noodle said finishing my sentence.
"Left turn then right turn" I responded telling Noodle the way.

Diesel's pov
"Don't you think enough time has passed? And if someone was gonna turn, we would have known by now, right?" I asked
"Yeah. Maybe we just got lucky" Zane said.
"I don't feel lucky." Zoey said
"That means something different now. It means that we're alive. I'm not even sure what the point is anymore. Maybe the point is to just keep going. So they don't win. So people know what really happened here. To our friends And our families. I won't let people forget Violet." Zane said. I got up and grabbed markers to write names on the wall handing them around.
"You ready?" I asked zoey handing her the marker.
"We need to make sure our names don't end up here. We're gonna get through this. And get out of here." Zoey said looking at the wall once everyone dead persons name was on there.
"Birdie." Zane said as she started seizing.
" What's happening?"
"It means freaks are close." Hailey said
"Yeah, but there aren't any freaks inside." Sadie said
"Then someone in here is turning." I said glumly

Mia's pov
"Zulu?" I heard barretts timid voice question from a little further in the safehouse. I looked at Noodle he placed me gently behind him as we continued walking towards the sound.
"Barrett. Who are you talking to?" I heard they voice I knew belongs to Tonya asked
"No one. Tonya? How did you get here? Is that really you?" Barrett asked
"I'm very real." I heard Tonya say as we turned the corner and saw them sitting on the floor.
"Thank god" I said gaining their attention as I ran over to them, Tonya getting up to hug me.
"Mia, gosh, are you okay?" Tonya asked
"I'm fine" I said pulling back smiling
"Look at you" she said happily looking at my stomach, by now Barrett had got up too and I quickly pulled him into a hug
"Barrett what happened?" I asked noticing the lack of grover.
"Grover got shot. I said I wouldn't leave him, so he took his mask off to expose himself to the air so I didn't have I choice, I couldn't safe him" Barrett said
"I'm so sorry" I said squezzing him tight.

Grovers pov
Opening my eyes I can here the faint sound of the heart monitor and see a blurry figure beside me.
"Dad?" I gasped out as that figure came into focus.

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