Chapter 6

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Mia's pov
"Somebody took the guns." I said to everyone as Zoey and Barrett were now with us looking at where the guns used to be.
"They have to have them, what if they use them to kill us? Or to kick us out? I won't last out there, not with my baby." I said.
"It's not safe, Mia's right, we have to do something" Noddle said causing everyone to get in a screaming match
"Okay, okay. Everyone calm down, we'll lock them up, where we locked Mary after she turned. We'll find out who took the guns and take them back" Grover said
"And then what we just let them walk around after that so they can do it again?" Zoey asked.
"No we kick them out" Violet said.
"What if they get mad and come back with reinforcements?" I said
"Mia's right, you can't just let them go. We don't have room to make mistakes here. If whoever it is comes back it could be lethal for us" Barrett said.
"Than we keep them locked up" Grover said.
"You can't keep them locked up forever, they're not animals" Violet said.
"Than there is only one option left and I don't think you'll like it anymore than leaving them locked up" diesel said.
"Go find Felicity and Red, now." Grover said to diesel as all the others were locked up.
"Just listen for the annoying grind of skateboard wheels." I said.
"Yeah, I got it." Diesel said
"We didn't do this. The Lannister twins were the ones roaming the halls last night." Zane said
"Oh, great, so we're the ones to blame for all of this? I wouldn't be stuck in here if I didn't come with you." Anka said
"Grover, look, let me out. I wanna find out who did this just as much as you do." Zane said
"And I wish I could trust that." Grover said. As we all walked into a nearby room
"I don't think he did this." Violet said to Grover
"Which one?" Grover said
"Are you seriously taking his side?" I asked as the three of us separated ourselves from everyone else
"Yesterday, you nearly ripped Zane's head off for cheating on you." Grover said
"And I found out about that. Okay, I can tell when he's lying." Violet said
"No, you're not clear-headed on this." Grover said
"And you're not listening to me."
"Zane was the last one to give up his gun."
"By what, ten seconds? You're jealous." Violet said
"Violet He's your ex." Grover said
"So it's not that you don't trust Zane, it's that you don't trust me." Violet said walking away.
"Vi" I called chasing after her.
"Mia I don't want to talk about it" Violet said as I caught up to her
"Come on vi, just for once open up to me. I want to help you"
"Mia you wouldn't understand your relationship with Noodle is perfect."
"No ones relationship is perfect, Noodle and I fight, it happens, it's apart of being in a relationship. You've just got to learn to forgive each other for the stupid things you say and do. Besides I've had other relationships, do you honestly think I haven't had the jealous fight with Noodle before? If one of my ex's was here right now Noodle would be all over me claiming his territory just like I would with him. Everyone fights, everyone gets jealous, all you've got to know is who you want to be with and if they are worth it and if they are you have to forgive and fight to keep them. So I ask you this, is Grover worth it?"
"Yes" Violet mumbled.
"Than show him that, tell him that"

Diesels pov
"Felicity? Red?" I called looking for them.
"What?" Felicity said coming up behind me making me jump.
"What are you doing up here?" I asked her.
"Reading. Well, that and using the facilities." She said.
"Come on, we gotta look for Red." I said

Violets pov
"I just can't stop thinking about LeShaen At the end." I said as we looked through Ollies bag for his anxiety medication.
"I know the feeling. I wish I had been there." Zoey said
"The way Barrett was describing LeShaen to me I couldn't help but think of my dad.
38 years breathing in that poison and shit at that plant." I said
"I'm really sorry. I still remember Mias face when she got the call about her dad, she always so happy, so smiley seeing her that devastated broke me a little" Zoey said
"The fever and the shaking. It sounded so familiar. Just trust me. You're better off remembering the good times. Thank you by the way, for being there for Mia. I know I should have been but I was to wrapped up in myself to even she how broken she was, she was always daddy's little girl"
"It okay" Zoey said finally finding and pulling out Ollies medicine.
"No way. Oliver Keller." She said showing me the label
"As in Keller Chemical." I said.

Mia's pov
"Why would we tell anybody who we are? Our family blew up the town" Anka said as we questioned her.
"Dude, they haven't done anything suspicious around us." Zane said
"Says the person likely colluding with them." Barrett said
"Look, I'm not trying to trick anybody about anything. I told you they were hiding something." Zane said directing the last part to Violet.
"We were hiding something. Our names. That's it." Anka said
"Would you have even helped us if you knew?" Ollie asked
"Hell no." Zane and I said at the same time causing me to glare at him.
"I found them in the drug store, not the other way around." Grover said as we moved into the same room we went to before.
"They're planning something." Barrett said causing Grover to glare at him
"He's just saying, it doesn't add up. Think about it." I said defending Barrett
"I mean, can you picture button-nosed Blondie as an assassin? Yeah, or Ollie with his panic attacks?" Grover asked
"It's all a charade. The guns are missing, they nearly shot Diesel, oh, and not to mention they lied about who they are. Which just happens to tie them to the company that blew up the entire town, created monsters and sent crews of people to kill us." Barrett said, me nodding in agreement.

Diesels pov
"Oh, that's his skateboard." Felicity said walking to where reds skateboard was as I walked towards the room near us because I heard a noise coming from in there.
"Diesel! Come here! Diesel, come help!" Felicity screamed I saw a man in the room I was looking in, he ran, I wanted to chase him but I ran to where felicity was screaming incase she was in trouble. I looked to where she was looking to see reds dead body in a locker.

Mia's pov
"He was a sweet boy. I mean, he had that skateboarder look, but he was very sensitive. I-I barely knew him, but You get close fast to people in this world. He didn't deserve this." Felicity said
"Nobody does." I said tears pricking my eyes causing Noodle to grab my hand.
"It's fine just the hormones" I whispered to him.
"I don't wanna seem insensitive, but do we really know the man Diesel saw was the one who took the guns?" Barrett asked.
"He was hauling off a duffle bag."
"I just saw him for a second, but yes, yes, he took the guns."
"I mean, it wasn't just the guns, he robbed the nurse's office, too."
"And you're sure he's gone?" I asked a little worried, and by a little I mean a lot.
"He broke the chain on the east wing. You don't have you worry about him" Diesel said trying to comfort me.
"Okay, look, guys, I wouldn't even be down here if I didn't hear the door slam." Diesel said
"Um, hello? If you know we didn't take the guns why are we still in here?" Anka asked
"Knowing who took them and trusting two Kellers is not the same thing." Barrett said
"I agree, but we don't need to lock up Sadie and Zane." Grover said. As we let out Sadie and Zane, Anka and Ollie tried to leave.
"Uh-uh-uh" diesel scolded pushing them back with his weapon.
"You can't keep us locked up in here forever." Anka said
"You're Kellers." I said
"I swear, we didn't know anything about the blue suits." Ollie said
"The time for trusting you is over." Noodle said
"Anka, just tell them." Ollie said
"We have a helicopter. We just have to press a button, and it'll come for us. We were hoping that we could land it on the roof." Anka said.
"Second floor roof access, of course." Grover said
"No, there's solar panels on the roof. Can't land there." Diesel said
"Good to know. " Ollie said.
"Okay, so we need a new plan. But if you let us out of here, we can get you someplace safe. We can save you all." Anka said.
"Well you can think of a new plan in your cage" I said.

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