The Story Continue

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The start of the next day begins. The mayor of the city, Regina, lets the Doctor, Bill, and Nardole sleep in a motel, so they can know more about this danger. The Doctor lays on the bed in his button-up shirt but with his vest open, as he just stares at the ceiling pondering about the cause of such feeling. He then hears a creak on the other side of the door, and he turns his head to see a letter slide underneath it and then hear footsteps walking far away. The Doctor gets out of bed, walk to the letter, picks it up and reads it; it's an invitation for a meeting in Regina's office. He looks at the clock and sees that it's 8:30 am. He buttoned up his vest, walked to the chair and retrieve his coat from it, and then put it on. He exited the room and walk towards Bill's door and knocked on it.

Doctor:"Bill, wake up, we are invited to a meeting in the mayor's office, so pick your clothes and let's get going."

The Doctor leaves to get his sonic screwdriver. Bill felt tired because when they left their home it was still daytime, so it was hard for her to fall asleep with all the energy still inside of her. But she pushes through her sleepiness, she gets out of bed.

Minutes later

Bill exits her room once she finishes dressing up and sees the Doctor in front of it.

Doctor:"Almost an hour. I thought I taught you to not waste any time. Now let's go, go, go."

The Doctor starts walking and Bill follows him as she groans.

Bill:"What about Nardole? Where is he?"

Doctor:"He is already on his way there. So we need to catch up to him."

Bill:"Wait, so no breakfast?"

Doctor:"We can get you a snack bar or fruit later."

Bill:"Seriously? Come on. Don't you have a sandwich or something in that coat?"

Doctor:"Left it in my other coat."

Bill:"Oh, great."

They both exit the motel and start walking the street.

Doctor:"I got a bad feeling about this, Bill."

Bill:"What are you talking about?"

Doctor:"I can feel the TARDIS worrying. She barely gets upset about anything, except for a few things."

Bill:"Worrying? About what? That 'doom' you mentioned last night? What was that even about? You barely even use that word to describe a scenario."

They both stop walking and look at each other.

Doctor:"Bill, would you believe me if I said that the universe is in danger?"

Bill:"If it's coming from you, absolutely at this point."

Doctor:"Good. Because it's not only the universe, it's the whole multiverse."

The Doctor continues walking while Bill stands there shocked. Bill then follows the Doctor.


They enter the office and see everyone from last night there and then spot Nardole sitting on the table while drinking tea.

Nardole:"You're finally here. Good. This'll be less awkward now."

Nardole lowers his cup. The Doctor and Bill walk toward the table and Bill sits down as she grabs the food on the table and starts eating, while the Doctor keeps standing as he grabs his cup, stir it around, and then take a sip.

Regina:"Doctor, what do you know about this 'doom' that you felt?"

Doctor:"What? No good morning? No 'how your sleep was'? Or how are you adjusting in our dimension? What kind of people don't greet visitors from another dimension?"

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