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Everyone either sits on the furniture or stands as some hold the cup of tea. The Doctor paces around as he stir his cup.

Regina:"Remind me again, why are we even having a tea party?"

Jim:"I would like to know that as well."

Doctor:"Tea, for you humans, helps calm the nerves. Make you help think clearly and stress free. But for me, it's quite the opposite. The steam helps boost my brain process, like an energy drink except much more healthy. That's why I like my tea straight hot from the kettle. Helps me think quicker, stay on my toes for anything, get to the conclusion much more clearer and faster than before."

The Doctor takes a sip.

Rumplestilskin:"Alright. Since you now have your thinking tea. Mind telling us who is behind that rift, dearie?"

The Doctor sighs through his nose as he thought about back then.

Doctor:"A long time ago, in a universe far away from ours, there was once a rumor about a world that was the beginning of all things. In this world, there was no life, no evolution, not even the laws of reality that we know. Just piles and piles of potentia. I don't know the whole story of this universe, but I do know that it once created important items that helped create unique worlds. And one delusional mad man thought if he could reach that world and collect those items, he can rule all of the multiverse. Create his very own 'perfect world'. And he almost succeeded if it wasn't for the collaboration of people unlike any that you can ever imagine. We trapped him in an endless rift loop. He shouldn't have even escaped, but now, he is."

Bill:"And who is this guy?"

Doctor:"His name is Lord Vortech. And believe me, he's a force you don't want to wreck with."The Doctor takes another sip of his tea."He is most likely the one who pulled us away from our universe. Probably trying to get my TARDIS and rewrite his failure."

Mike:"But what about El? He tried to take her. Why her?"

Doctor:"That is something I don't get either. She has telepathic abilities, but anyone in the multiverse has that, so why make her special?"

Jim:"Do you think he would try again?"

Doctor:"Probably not. Why spend so much time trying to catch one when there's millions of others out there in the multiverse? But why does he even need someone with telepathic abilities? He's already powerful on his own."

Rumplestilskin:"And there's also something you're overlooking?"


Rumplestilskin:"I am still standing."

The Doctor, Bill, and the rest of the Once Upon of Time gang widen their eyes.

Steve:"Yeah. And?"

Regina:"He injured his leg years ago."

Rumplestilskin:"And yet, I am still standing perfectly. In a universe with not a single magic."

Doctor:"Most likely a side effect of Lord Vortech opening rifts throughout the multiverse. Some of those rifts are leaking energy from another world. Which could be what your babies felt last night!"


Bill:"Somehow babies are a language to him."

Lucas:"No way!"

Regina:"And they were crying over a great doom."

Will:"So, why come to our universe?"

Dustin:"Yeah. You have the power of science and magic on your side. Why come all the way ours?"

Once Upon A Stranger Doctor (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now