The Secrets Of Love

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Based on a psychological study, a crush only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love.

Vanessa was the type of girl who sat at home in pajamas, re-watching reruns that she had already seen three times. She never missed a day of school, and never made below a B plus in her life. She had always had to live up to her parents' high expectations, but when she was with him, she felt like the world was hers.

Chase was the boy that every girl at Valley-brook High would kill for, and do anything for him to notice them. He's the captain of the baseball team and the hottest guy in the eleventh grade, but he was much more than that. He's smart, funny and has a smile that could light up the entire world, according to Vanessa.

Difficult obstacles start to get in her way and she has to jump through hurtles to get to what she wants, Chase. Can she do it? Is he worth it? Will she find out the secrets of love?

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