Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Distant buzzing in my ear wakes me up from the tranquility of my sleep and I see my alarm clock, which shows ''7:52". In a panic, I sit up too quickly and start to become dizzy. Once the feeling wears off, I move to the edge of my bed and stand up to go to the hall bathroom to shower. When I'm done I brush the taste of morning breath out of my mouth and afterwards,  I wash my face with something my mom brought me that makes my face smell like pomegranate. Realizing what time it is again, I run to my room and fling open my closet doors, making a loud thud on my wall. I throw on a white tank top and a frayed jean button down to go over it, I go to my dresser and slip on a pair of dark, boyfriend-fit jeans. Even tough they don't really match, I slip on my favorite pair of black Sperry's in a rush and then I quickly braid my hair into a messy version of a fish-tail braid. I sprint down the short stairs in a hurry, heading towards the fridge. I grab a green apple and head out of the door, when I reach my car I have to search for my keys in my purse.

Hair brush- No. Cell phone- No. Sanitizer- No. Half-eaten granola bar- Eww. Car keys-Yes!

I jingle them in the air in victory, then fling open the car door, carefully, and then jump in. About fifteen minutes later, I arrive at the door of Mrs.Francis' class- biology, my favorite. I open the door hoping to go unnoticed but instead the whole class turns their attention to me.

"Ms.Allen, You're late." Mrs.Francis says as she turns around from the board to face me, pushing her thick glasses up to her face. She always knew who was there and who wasn't.

"Uhh, Yes ma'am. I'm sor-." I pull my braid over to my left shoulder, stroking it as I stand in front of the class.

"Have a seat." she turns back around to face the board.

I look around the class, examining all of the filled seats until I see one empty one, nearly at the back of the classroom. I look around and see Chase sitting behind the unoccupied seat and my friend Katie sitting next to it. I remember that geometry and biology are the only classes Chase and I take together. I open my biology book to a random page and then I start to catch up on the notes that I missed.

"Nice hair." a smooth voice teases and I realize it's Chase. I look back at him and he's displaying a full-on smile. His hair is ruffled and his brown eyes are darker than usual, but somehow, he still looked awesome.

"Ha, I've done better." I reply, twisting the poorly-done braid.

"It still looks good." he smirks and then turns back to face Mrs.Francis.

Does he not know the effect that his words have on me, let alone his presence? How time stopped when he smiled at me?

"I'm assigning a project to you all. Since we don't have any people to experiment on, we're going to use animals. You and your partners are going to observe your specific animals during their mating process." Mrs.Corene says, various snickers come from the class.

"You will get your partner's name at the end of this class. This is your most important grade of the year students." she interrupts.

At the end of the class, we are all walking up to the front of the class to find out who our partners are when I see Katie.

"Hi Ness! You decide which animal you're going to choose to make some babies?" Katie says over-excitedly. Her short curly hair bounced every time she spoke. She was naturally blonde, but last summer she cut her long locks and dyed her hair auburn, which really suited her grey eyes.

"I don't even know who my partner is yet." I shrug.

"I'm with Sophie O'Neil." Katie said. Sophie was Carly's best friend and the official air-head of the school. How she was passing geometry was a mystery.

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