Chapter 2

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Harrys POV:

I opened the door to my house and walked up to my room immediately.

After walking with Karlie I feel I've met her before.

I pulled out some old yearbooks from the past years, flipping threw the pages.

What was her last name again? Jenson?




'Karlie Jenson' freshman.

I dropped the book down as I saw her picture. Braces, bigger glasses than she already has, two short pig tails.

It was that girl...


"Haha, Harry look at that girl." My good friend Liam Payne laughed.

I turned and burst out laughing as she was in my sight.

"Ew who IS that?" A random girl called from behind me.

"Hey lets not try to be mean," I said,"Maybe she just has a disorder in which she looks terribly bad everyday."

Everyone howled. I guess they all knew who I was talking about.

I guess she did too.

She was staring at me, disappointment in her sad brown eyes.

Everyone pointed at her laughing, because of one little joke?

She ran off, and disappeared in the crowd, I felt a little bad, but then it turned to a feeling of pride.

And power.

Liam ran after her laughing, shouting, "Hey whats your disorder called!" Making everybody laugh harder.

She came back running the other way, other people calling her names.

I smirked. This was going to be a great year.

*back to present*

A feeling of guilt flooded my entire body. My body turned to jelly and collapsed to the floor.

I felt weak, sick to my stomach.
I wanted to punch myself straight in the face.

Oh my god.

Memories of Karlie being pushed, shoved, laughed at, were flooding all throughout my head.

She's been having an extremely hard time these past years,

Because of me..

Karlies POV:

I was getting ready for bed when I received an email.

I tied my hair high up in a messy bun, and grabbed the spinning chair to check my laptop.

I readjusted my glasses and opened it to see it was from Harry.

How in the world did he get my email?


He had said that him and I needed to talk.

"Why?" I answered

Strangely he replied in the next minute.

"Because we do."

"Im not going to talk to you if you won't tell me why."

"No. Its something I have to say in person. Meet me in the library at lunch tomorrow."

I didn't bother replying. I know it's some prank.

Im going to bed.


My day dragged on.
Pushing, shoving,

You know the routine.

I walked and opened my locker when Harry starts darting down the hall towards me,


my god.

People stopped and stared, some with mouths dropped open.

Harry approached me,

"What do you want, people are staring." I said in a low irritated tone.

"Let them, I figured we could talk after school instead? I have to be somewhere." He said.

"Whatever," I answered not realizing what I was agreeing to, focusing on the others around us. "I have to go."

I slammed my locker shut and headed the opposite direction of him.

If people saw us together, It'll cause even bigger problems.

Why can't he just quit his games and apologize to Jenna? Get it over with?


why make her jealous with me?

"Wait," he called.

I kept on walking but he eventually caught up.

"Are you alright?" He asks,

"Yeah fine." I said irritated.

Playing nicey nice I can see.

"Oh, I just wanted to make sure," My heart dropped for a second. "Well I got to go. See you later." Then he left.

The way he walked, and flipped his curls. The way his emerald eyes look down at me. His smirk that he shows off to all the girls here.

But somehow, his smirk seemed different when he shows it off to me.


Its real.

No. No no no. Don't even THINK about this Karlie. Its a bad idea.

I continually walked to my class, brushing off any other thought I had of Harry.

One Last Dance (Harry Styles fan fic) short storyWhere stories live. Discover now