Chapter 10

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Karlie's POV:

It's been a week since my wrist was choked.

It still hurts when I touch it or move it.

My mum is afraid somethings wrong with it so I skipped school today and she's taking me to the doctors now to have it be checked on.

"So can you tell me how this happened?" She asked turning her car into a parking spot.

"I- uh- hurt it playing a sport in gym." I lied.

"Really?" She asked sarcastically. "With what sport makes your wrist turn from purple to black and blue all the way around?"

I sighed.

"I don't know." I answered.

"Just tell me so I can help you. And So the doctor can help you." She said as we walked inside.

"This kid at my school just grabbed it really tight." I confessed.

"Honey, you have to report these things."

"He was already punished."

"Do you want to transfer schools? I know you have a lot of problems there."

This made me pause for second.

"Could I really?" I asked.

She nodded.

I smiled. I could finally run away from my problems.

Then I remembered.


No. I can't stay because of a boy.

He hurt me. He's popular. He doesn't and won't ever like me.

But, yet, I like him. And I know I'll be heartbroken if I leave him, even if he doesn't like me back.

"Karlie." A female voice called, bursting through my thoughts.

It was a lady standing at the entrance of the waiting room smiling.

She took my mum and I to a room and told us the doctor would been in soon.

My mum broke the silence.

"So do you want to transfer?" She asked.

"Honestly. I don't know." I answered.

"Well you struggle with the people there."

"Well yeah, but.." I trailed off.

"It's about a boy isn't it?" She finished.

"How do you know?"

"I can just tell."

I looked down awkwardly. "He doesn't like me mum."

"You never know."

"Well how can I tell?"

"For one thing he'll care about you. A lot."

Before I could say anything else, my usual doctor walked in.

"So, I hear we have an injured wrist?" He asked sitting down and hooking a paper to a clipboard.

"Yeah. It hurts when I move it or anything."

"Let's take a look then."

He held my wrist up, and twisted it around scanning the bruised marks.

"It had gotten a little swollen too." I added.

He nodded.

"Does this hurt?" He said pressing down.

"Yes!" I tried not to scream.

He removed his hand from my wrist.

"Alright. So." He began.

I was nervous.

"The good news, Your wrist is not broken. Although it is sprained."

Great. Why do people like to beat me up?

"Just put some ice on it and if it worsens we will give you a wrist guard."

I nodded. "Thank you."


I layed in bed with my laptop.

It was a Friday night so I stayed up later than I'm supposed to.

I was scrolling down my dashboard on Tumblr when my phone began to ring.

It was a random number I was unfamiliar with.

I decided to answer it anyways.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey." A male voice said.

"Who is this?" I laughed.

"It's Harry."

"How did you get my number?"



There was a awkward silence for a minute.

"So why did you call?" I asked.

"You weren't in school today so I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said.

My heart fluttered that he cared.


For one thing he'll care about you. A lot.

My mum's word floated in my head.

No. Stop over thinking this. He doesn't like you.

"Yeah I'm fine I just went to the doctors for my wrist." I answered him.

"Is that okay too?" He sounded serious.

"Yeah. It's just sprained."

He sighed.

"Karlie. I'm so sorry about him. It's my fault you're hurt. Jack- he's... not a good person to me. He has problems with me."

"Harry. Really. It's okay." I said.

I don't know why, but I could feel him smiling on the other end.

"I wish I could be with you right now." He said.

"To be honest, me too. But with you, I mean."

Why am I so awkward?

He laughed.

I brushed up through my messy hair.

We talked for a couple more hours until it was almost 3 in the morning.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired. But we can talk tomorrow?" I said.

"Alright, get your sleep. Goodnight. Hope your wrist gets better soon." He said in a husky voice.

I smiled.

"Thanks Harry. Goodnight."

One Last Dance (Harry Styles fan fic) short storyWhere stories live. Discover now