Chapter 12

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Harry's POV:

I stood at my locker taking out my things for my first period class.

I noticed a familiar girl walk towards her locker, a sad tired expression on her face.

I don' t think she slept too well either.

I slammed my door shut and approached her.

As soon as she saw me coming she picked up her pace, handed Leah her things, and they both quickly took off, disappearing in the crowd.

"Karlie.." I mumbled.

I stood there, in the middle of the crowd, feeling of the people slowly walking around me, laughing with their friends, having fun, enjoying everything.

But for me, for once, I felt alone.

In a room full of crowded people..


It's been a week and Karlie and I still haven't spoken.

She dressed as she used to, her big glasses covering her face, her hair high up in a wavy ponytail, and a sweater and sweatpants.

But she was still beautiful to me.

She was finally off her crutches too, but her wrist was still hurt.

I saw a couple people push her against her locker.

It was happening again.

I was horrified to see as her wrist banged at the hard lock of her locker, and watch her squeal in pain.

I threw my things on the floor and stormed up to the boys that hurt her.

I gripped the main one by the collar of his t-shirt and slammed him against the rows of lockers.

I cursed through my gritted teeth "leave her be." when a teacher came and pulled us apart.

I could feel the anger heat up in my face.

I looked over at Karlie who was looking down in embarrassment, as the hallway of people stopped and stared at us.

"I..." I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

And took off down the hall.

I don't know who I said sorry to, but I just put it out there.

I exited the school, hopped in my car, and took off, somewhere to breathe.

It was about 20 minutes later. I held onto the steering wheel firmly, licking my lips confused.

I reached a beach miles away from the school, and turned to a small area on pavement that was obviously not for parking.

But who care right?

I stood alone at the edge of the water, thinking.

It was late afternoon, school had to be over by now.

What was wrong with me? Why am I acting so crazy?

What was that that I pulled earlier?

So many questions and I wanted answers.

Why am I so defensive for Karlie?

The wind blew through my curly hair as I tried the think this through.

I mean, I know I like her. But so much to protect her like that? Worthy of getting in trouble?

Like that time in class when Jack hurt her, I got in trouble for that too.

I suddenly remembered, the dance is tonight.

I stood there in the sand debating if I should go or not.

A voice in my head, shouted at me that it was the best thing to show up.

I headed for my car, still confused of my actions, and drove back home as it grew darker.

One Last Dance (Harry Styles fan fic) short storyWhere stories live. Discover now