After the finals, a new life.
After our exams finished and I collected my marksheet and left towards Seoul. I will study the two years of highschool in Seoul.
The last time I saw you is when we both went on a friendly hangout, the day before I left. I will remember this hangout the most.
I didn't tell you that I was leaving. I wanted to see you happy before I leave nor I wanted you to stop me. And you were. You are really happy with your girlfriend.
My parents agreed on me leaving and continuing higher studies in a different and more developed city.
They will send me money, but however I have to work for my own too. I need to start being independent. I don't want to a burden to anyone.
But I will completely not be independent. I will live with my relatives as I am still not a legal adult.
The money sent by my parents will be used for paying anything related to college and studies. I will get free food and a place to live from my relatives. And the money I will make will be saved for my future or if I need to buy anything extra, like clothes and makeup.
I settled everything in my new room. My uncle and aunt are nice to me and so are my cousins.
I miss you. You even called my previous number but I didn't receive. I wanted to pick the call and say how much you mean to me but I can't. I shouldn't.
You send me messages asking where I am and why did I leave. You worried about me.
Knowing that I left you so confused I replied with a simple text saying that I'm fine and not to worry, and never to contact me again. I will still be by your side even I'm physically not there.
And with that I changed my phone number and kept the old SIM card deep inside a locker.
This is probably my last time I will ever have strong feelings towards you. I will miss every single thing about you but I have to forget it and move on.
I want to be yours but I can't so I moved away from your life.
I hope you always stay happy and healthy.
I wish you luck for your future.
Sorry Kim Taehyung.

Started With A Crush (Kim Taehyung Fanfiction, BTS V)
FanfictionA story where a girl starts crushing on her classmate Kim Taehyung. Will she ever end up with him? When all he ever see her is as his bestfriend. Will Taehyung ever grow feelings for her? Do she have to move on and try getting her feelings away? Re...