My mom, my problem solver.
I reached at my parent's house at around 4 pm.
Both my parents welcomed me warmly. There were also my other relatives. They will be leaving tomorrow morning.
There was such a happy and joyful environment. Then I am in my own world. Sad, confused and worried.
I tried blending with the environment but I couldn't. I escused myself and went in my old room.
There is still the bed where I used to dream about you. There is still the gift you gave me when we were in school. There is still the chair you used to sit when you came to hangout at my place.
Seeing my old room made me cry. There are so many memories here. This is where I started my obsession for you. I should have stopped it here years ago then I wouldn't have been in this situation today.
I went through every thing in my room. Each thing is related to you.
Doing this is making me cry more.
I heard a knock. I wiped my tears and opened the door.
My mom was standing there worried. She saw the wet stains on my cheek caused for crying.
She came in my room and close the door. She let me sit on the bed and then hugged me. She told me to calm down and to tell her my problem.
I stopped crying then explained everything. She listened carefully. She knows that I have a boyfriend but never met in person. She knows you well as you were my best friend and used to visit at my place often when we were in school.
She asked me some questions and I answered honestly.
After she was done questioning me she told me to choose you. She told the answer is clear that I want to be with you.
I told her again about me breaking my boyfriend's heart. Then she said that I have to choose one and break other's. I can't be with both at the same time.
And she told me to choose you. I will be much more happier with you than him. She can tell by my answers.
After that she left me letting me think.
I unlocked my phone and see many apology messages from you and my boyfriend asking me where I am.
I replied my boyfriend that I am at my hometown and to meet me on Tuesday at my workplace, the pizza restaurant.
I replied you asking if you can meet me tomorrow in our hometown.
You replied immediately saying okay.
If you leave now by train, you will be here at around midnight.
I will be waiting for you Taehyung.

Started With A Crush (Kim Taehyung Fanfiction, BTS V)
FanfictionA story where a girl starts crushing on her classmate Kim Taehyung. Will she ever end up with him? When all he ever see her is as his bestfriend. Will Taehyung ever grow feelings for her? Do she have to move on and try getting her feelings away? Re...