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I stare through the peep hole. I just set down my freshly opened Pepsi, to my dismay, when a screech sounded and someone began to pound on my door. I hear a chilling voice call, "I have Alexs' dog."
Almost enough to send me into a melt down, I manage a shaky, "Crete?"
His cold voice replies, "Yep. Want the dog or not?"
I reply by pulling open my door. Crete, soaked to the bone and muddy, is holding my best friends' Basset Hound named Larry. He's an idiot. He probably hurt his recently injured leg again. He rolled off the couch again. My dog, Venus, suddenly goes into "ANOTHER OF MY KIND" mode. She reacts especially friendly to other huskies. She'll even try to drag me to get to one. I accept Larry from Crete, who looks upset at me for something. I turn my back on him and set Larry in the crate Alex gave me just in case this happened while she was gone. I return from the bathroom to Crete on the doorstep still. I ask, "Want a coffee?"
He draws a frustrated, verging outraged sigh, checking his watch. He's always so pisded around me, I have no idea why. My brother Nad, says to 'Give him a chance'. He also died laughing at first, giving me mixed messages.
Crete declines with snipe to his tone, visibly shaking and red in the face, "No. Thanks. I have to get to practice."
He storms away and I shut the door. I whisper, "What the fuck just happened?"
I hear the sound of an engine failure and look out the window. Crete is in his van, the back corner bent, trying to start it. I grab my raincoat and slip outside. Literally. I manage to roll down my stairs, and right to his van thanks to a short driveway. He realizes my feat and draws an irritated breath as I get up. Did he hope I didn't? The thought kills me inside. I ask, heart broken again, "Need help?"
He starts shaking and turns blood red. He comments, "Sure." My eyes widen, he didn't snap at me? Wow. Big improvement.
I nod and he gets out. He pops the Hood and I stare in horror. Smoke assaults us and Crete shuts the Hood again with tears in his eyes from the smoke. He shakes nearly violently as he stares at the van. I bound inside, and grab him a raincoat. It's one of a trillion spares, so it holds no value to me. I wonder if he'll accept it? He does with a smile and then locks onto my eyes. He turns red and his eyes grow angry again. He looks away, grey eyes cold and hard. He hops into the drivers' seat, starts his van, and drives off. He accidentally splashes me and I scream. It's so cold, so very, very cold. It hurts. I feel tears and rush inside. My white shirt is now clingy and clear, showing off my black bra. I dash inside, crying now. I grab a towel and storm into my room. I hear Nad at the front door, and he calls, "Hey, Vienna! You up? I have a surprise for you!"
I wander from my room, chest wrapped in a blanket. My brother seems confused and asks, "Did you go outside?"
I reply, shaking and crying, "We have Larry back, that's the important th-thing."
He takes my wet shoulders and comments, "Crete came?"
I nod and my tears flow faster. Nad sighs, head to the roof, "Please... just.... Give Crete a... A. Chance. He.... He can't..."
Nad is suddenly gone when I blink. What ever happened, I guess he's done talking. I snatch my Pepsi and down it quickly. It's warm now, so I just end up dumping it. I crash down onto my bed as my phone rings. I answer, not thinking. I hear a snarly voice bark, "Vienna?"
I reply, voice quaking, "Yeah?"
The voice is recognizable, my other family member. He begs, "I need a lift.'
I reply, shaking from fear, "Kk." I stand up and go out the window. I sneak to my garage, and then I see it. My pride and my joy. The chrome fenders, soft seat, and red paint all welcome me in. I run my finger over the throttle, and over the smooth metal handlebars to the brakes. I grab his keys, and dash back inside. I go into the hall from my room, and run to the room across the hall. I open it without Nad noticing.
No one speaks about Alexander. He's not what they think. I know that he is actually a caring person, but they see him as a monster to be trained. So what, he has a strange anomaly. He has two thumbs on his left hand, one on each side. He always is trying to figure out his limitations, which lands him in shit often. I rush to the door, hazard tape across it. We never removed it after an 'incident' last year. He may have gotten into something that he shouldn't have. I still remember the fight he got into with mom over what he found in her sock drawer.
I open the scared door, the black walls splattered with white star-like flecks. I grab the black case on his bed and the helmets on his bed post. His bed is made perfectly, his room organized perfectly. Nothing is out of place. I remember our favorite song and Alexanders' first appearance to me. When I first met him. He called me his sister, even though I really was only half. I take the helmets and remember 'Found' by Seventh Day Slumber. "With open arms, you call me...'
I feel tears gushing as I slide down his closed door and remember back...
I hear arguments, and look out my door. Dressed in black, ripped jeans, and deep set scowl, a man is arguing with my mother. He waves his arms around as she calls him normal and unimpressive. She calls him weak and says, "You have to let the dirt settle, Alex."
He roars like a passionate lion, stepping back, "Maybe you have to disturb the mud to find the truth!"
She snarls, gaining ground,"You won't catch a fish that way."
He declares, red creaping up his neck, "I don't want fish. I want the truth."
She snarls, eyes firey, "GET TO YOUR ROOM."
He storms by and nearly rams into me. I sitter back, and look into teary eyes like my own. The man dissolves into a boy who is a lot taller than me. He kneels down, just inside the hall. He whispers, "I'm sorry."
I choke, "For what?"
He wraps me into a hug and whispers, "For that. I'm Alex."
I reply into his vanilla shirt, "Okay. I'm Vienna." My tears run down his shirt and he holds me to his chest. Alex was the sensitive one, Nad more of just stayed in his room.
Alex sighs, "Come on. There's a beautiful elm outside my room."
I follow him, and ask as my form shuffles after him, "Who are you?"
He stops, breath caught in his well-defined throat, "They didn't..."
I reply, "No, I have no idea who you are."
He turns in his black booted heel and comments, eyes alight with an icy fire, "I' your brother. Come on. Trust me."
His voice is full of agony and I feel something. Familiarity wraps around me and I whisper, "Al?'
He smiles and wraps his arms around me. I end up on his strong shoulders as we go towards a scraped up white door. The forbidden door looms before me. I hear someone yelling to stop. Nad is charging forward, but Alex is through the door so fast I get mini whiplash. I leap down and Alex holds the door against Nad.
Alex cries, voice quaking in the black-walled, basic, dark room. The only light is the window. A beautiful elm comes right to the window, and I walk towards my long lost brother.
Alex roars, voice like raging thunder as he braces against the door, "Vienna, run! The garage."
I hear him yelling insults at Nad as I climb out the window. I feel the wind on my face and skin, and gasp. Alex roars, tone loving, "Vienna..."
I hear the branch snap. A form comes out of nowhere, snatching me out of the sky. I scream, but just see Alex. I watch the ground still and he smiles. I comment, "What just happened?"
He laughs nervously, holding me bridal style, "I caught you, Vie!"
I ask, heart racing, "Why aren't you falling?"
Alexs' eyes grow wide and he stares in silence. He whispers, "I can catch.'
We go lower and land. Alex smiles at me, but his face is worried. In his raw hand is a rope that extends to the window.
I go slack jawwed as I stare at him. He whispers, "It isn't how it looks... I'm not their monster anymore! I'm a..." His years are revealed by the tears, "I changed I swear! Forgive me, please.'
He sinks to the ground, tears rolling like the thunder I heard in his voice earlier.
I leap out the window and land on the elm. I grasp the branches one by one, swinging down like a monkey. I land in the grass and run to the bike. I rev the motor and it takes the streets by surprise. I head down several dreary, average streets. Basic, cookie cutter homes, shops, everything is so average. I drive to the only different house, the black siding making a statement. I run to the door after shutting down the engine. I bang on the door lightly and a familiar face is there. I whisper nervously, my crush before me, "Valentin, is Alex here?"
Val smiles at me with perfect teeth, insane black hair, and lunatic, emerald eyes. He hasn't got his face 'Clean and clear and undercontrol', but he's handsome anyways. He nods solemnly when he realizes I'm serious. He replies, voice dark, deep and firm, "Come on."
I follow the teen, his black shirt and ripped jeans marking him as one of my peps. I met him at school yesterday. He's a transfer student, and he can be quite entertaining. He says he's tame where they come from. I don't want to know, honestly.
I hear Alex talking to Jack, Vals' freshman brother. Jack cries, "But... You know it go well for her if she comes here!"
Alex roars, the passion in the drummers voice, "She has to try, Jack!" A fist slams into a table. Val looks at me with concern and looks back as the door opens. Crete comes up to us and never notices me. He rants about his newest cat and I stare in shock. He's happy for once? What happened?
Then he sees me and triple takes. He stops cold and whispers, "Vienna, hey."
I nod and reply, "Hey, Crete.'
I see the anger in Vals' eyes and he takes Crete away and Crete pulls back with that anger in his eyes. He snarls, "STOP IT, VAL!"
Val storms away, red in the face. Val is their agent, he isn't a band member, by the way. Crete is the lead Singer. Alex is drums. I never met the guitarist, Keys. He seems legit though.
Crete stares at me as the door slams. He sighs, voice shaking, "I'm so sorry you had to see that, Vienna. Val is possessive."
Crete disappears. I stare in shock. One way of breaking that news, I suppose. I keep walking, my crush on Val gone on an instant. I suddenly hear a new voice, raspy and cool, "ALEX! JACK! STOP IT!"
I enter a living room after that creepy, long hallway. I see Alex, drum sticks in hand, eyes protective, passionate, relaxing in a black, leather arm chair. Jack is leaning on his knees in a similar chair. A tall boy with brown and black hair, pale skin, and silver eyes is standing between them with a guitar over his back. He looks up at me with those stormy eyes and I forget why I'm here at all. He stares too and his mouth shuts with a click. Is this Keys? The ever-elusive Keys? Keys stares at me with shocked eyes and whispers, "Veinna? This is your sister, Alex?"
I remember him from all my classes now, he's my age, unlike Alex, Crete, and Jack. Jack is the base player, but he isn't too reliable apparently.
I hear Alex get up and comes over to Keys. He snaps his fingers in Keyss' face and growls, "STAY AWAY FROM HER."
I protest, "Alex, settle down." Why am I defending Keys? We were just staring at each other like stalkers anyways.
Alex roars, turning on me, "BE QUIET, VIENNA." Did I mention his mood swings?
Keys growls, "You first."
Alex turns back on him and a fight breaks out. I suddenly freeze and scream, heart racing, "CREEETEEE!"
He rushes in and tries to break them up. The angry ball on the floor sends me into a panicking state. I see Crete get pulled in, and I stare in shock. I suddenly start running away, heart racing. I pass the front doors and enter the street. I hear a screech of tires and all goes black. I hear Keys scream, "ALEX! SHE'S HIT!"
Only I hear him whisper, "All I wanted to do was help her. But I hurt her again."

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