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I hear them degrading him, and laugh along. Scorn is all he deserves! Bärchen is a lier and a jackass! My colleuges raise a glass on another victory, Ludic is dead! Hurray! I felt something stir when I ended him, but it left a while ago when I weighed everything out. I had to kill Selcouth and Solar, of course. I just couldn't bear the inconvienence and the liability. I mean, my responsabilites only grow and grow! Why, I bearly keep up! I laugh at the look of pain on Bär's face. It was worth the collateral. I remember the disgust I've always felt towards him. Disgusting, absolutely disgusting he is. I shudder at the thought. I can't wait till Captian Barack manages to liqor him up and get him here. Then, then, my job is done.

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