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      I follow this group of snobs through countless stalls of prissy beasts. I look around, and suddenly hear windchimes. Everyone but the leader, and trainer, Leon and I cover their ears. Leon smiles warmly and leaves us with a snoby, obese lady named Charmon. Leon snags my hand and leads me towards the sounds of muttering and windchimes. My leather jacket flaps behind me and my ripped jeans comfort me as we race to the far end of the stables. The stables are completely stone, so there is a lower risk of fire or rot from a water spill. I hear the windchimes and see a large tail draped out the stone pocket door. The dim light gives the curvy tail an eerie look. I see the tail move, windchimes jingling softly. The tail lashes, windchimes crying. I see a beautiful monster, black scales as metallic as his black feathers. The stall is covered in fresh scars. I can assume it was him. Leon calls, laughs “Bärchen! What are you doing?”

    To my shock, the meduim sized dragon growls, “I can barely turn in here. I was just… renovating.” I stare in shock and wander to the dragon, releasing Leons’ hand. The monster turns and lowers his head to my level. I hear a dragonic rumble and remove the necklace. It lands in the dirt and a blast of electricity fills me and I see the surprise the dragon has on his face. He extends a paw and I take it in both my hands. Then, I see something disturbing. The dragon is shrinking. He shrinks down, becoming my size. He looses the scales and a person is there in tattered clothes. I let go in surprise, and black dust fills the room. I’m still coughing it up when the dragon replaces the boy. The dragon coos, “Bingo.” I step back, covered in black dust. The dragon approaches me and greets, “Bärchen Zvezda.”

   I reply, “Kali Mercury. You can call me Kali.” I take my hand and extend it. He stares in confusion and puts his paw against mine. Black sand fills the room and I look for Leon. I hear the wind roaring and the dragon before me is a boy again. His light coloured hair and dark wings contrast in perfect harmony. He smiles broadly at me and I call, “What’s going on?” He no longer smiles.

      He replies, green eyes full of pain, “I don’t know. I just…” he looks away and pulls his hand away. He backs out of sight and the sand is gone in an instant. I shiver from the cold and stare at the big, black dragon. My heart stutters and sputters from the cold around me and I can’t think. The dragon is gone now, he slinked by me a while ago. I feel tears running down my face, heart racing. Why did he leave me lile that? I turn to Leon, who is shaking sand off his clothes.

     Leon sighs, cold hand on my shoulder, “I’m sorry. I’ll go catch him. You go to your dorm, hun.” His hand does not hold the infectious warmth that Bärchens’ hands did. It was a spreading, tingling warmth, a comforting warmth that started at our hands and spread like maple syrup through me. Sweet till the bitter end, and thick, it seemed unrelenting. I can’t believe I was this cold before. I watch after him, eyes wide and terrified. How can this be? I shake myself out and run to my dorm in a rush of fellow first years. I see the chalk white door, number 609D, and rush in. I shut the door and freeze. Someone else is here? They’re a lot older than me, and look at me with confusion. Then a knowing look crosses her face. She slides off the top bunk, grey tail lashing behind her.

    She sighs, “Did Leon scare you, honey?” I shake my head, shaking. This makes no sense. How can a dragon make me feel this way. She replies, concerned, “Are you okay? You look like you witnessed a murder.”

       I compose myself and reply, “Who is Bärchen Zvezda?”

       She pales, taking my hands as she replies, “A runaway prince from Constell. He went rouge and disappeared. Consperacy says he was murdered, but I doubt anyone could kill that SOB. Why?” I look at my hands and turn them over. A black heart is tattooed on my palms.

     I reply, “I found him. Except… he was a dragon.” She runs her now free hands through her hair and stares into my eyes. Green hair and green eyes give the lithe girl an odd appearance.

    She sings in dismay, walking to her black phone on the bed, “I was warned about thhhhiiissss by ffffuuuccckkkingggg Jasper.” I stare in shock.

    She cries, red in the neck, “Errr wait! I DID NOT DO JASPER! JASPER WARNED ME ABOUT YOU!” I hear the door open.

     A smooth voice coos, “Are you sure, baby? Last night was fun…”

      I spin around and cry,”WHAT?” Why is this school so fucking weird? The boys’ green hair is all over the place and his green eyes are the same way.

     He takes my hands and draws close to me. His thumbs are on the hearts and his eyes close. He opens them and looks up at his girlfriend. He warns, “We have to hide her!” The girl takes my hands and nods in conformation. Then, something pricks my neck. I hear the dragons’ call and draw myself to it. I hear cusses and get ripped away. I come around in a dark dungeon. I hear my sisters voice, echoing off the bricks and the mold.

     I cry, “Vienna!” She walks by, leaving me in binds. I cry, tears falling, “Vie!” I then change tactics. I know the bonds Dragons have to their Hearts. I scream, “BÄ…” Wait...what’s his name? I think myself into a headache. I sit there, memory turning to treachery. I begin to shake. Why am I here? Who am I? I remember the name of my enemy. The one I need to kill. He scared my palms. Bärchen Zvezda. Little Bear Star. Ursula Minor. The Little Bear.

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