Their children

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As their proteges, their children laid down in the medical beds, the mentors tried to figure out what happened. Manhunter read their minds, trying to get things from their perspectives, turning up with nothing out of the ordinary. They soon became restless as their fight and squirm in the sheets. Loud screams started to erupt from their mouths as they kicked the sheets. Their screams started to weigh them down, feeling powerless to air them. Soon, their terror screams died down as they cried themselves to exhaustion. Except for Kaldur and Robin, who still, after two hours, were still fighting and screaming bloody murder.

"Asseblief, stop, maak nie," (Please, stop, no.) Kaldur begs in his sleep fighting his mentor pinning him to the bed harder.

"Mami, tati te rog," (Mommy, daddy, please) Robin cries as he clings to Batman's arm tightly.

All they can do is stroke their hair and try to sooth them to sleep. After another hour of begging and crying, they both passed out. The mentors let out a deep sigh of relief as they watch over their sleeping children.

"What happened on that mission?" Flash asks stroking Wally's hair.

"I don't know. We have to go and find out" Batman says while holding Robin, his little bird, close to him.

"What if they wake up? The last thing we want is them waking up like they were," Superman asks holding Conner closer to him.

"Alright. Dinah and the others will go and find out what happened and we'll stay here," he while reaching for his communicator to explain the situation to Black Canary.

Not even ten seconds go by, a whimper of Kaldur caused their attention to be drawn to him. The soft whimper sounded so fragile and helpless compared to his usual confident demeanor. Tears roll down his chocolate color cheeks as breathing became labored.

"Nee asseblief. Help my. Pappa. (No. Please. Help me. Papa.)" he whimpers in his sleep.

Aquaman rushes next to him and pulls him to his broad chest.

"Dit is in orde my seun. Ek is hier. Ontspan my kind. (It is alright my son. I am here. Relax my child)," he says while rubbing his arm.

Kaldur clings to him tightly as he falls back asleep. Batman looks down at Robin and kissed his forehead lightly. He runs my fingers through his ebony hair and wonders what he can be dreaming about.

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