Chapter 9

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"You won't loose me! I'm yours, yours only! Now I'll text you later. Goodbye!" I said.

I walked away quickly and we practiced once more.

Chris, the dancer that danced with me, never came back out.

I wasn't sure what was going on and I didn't have a dance partner.

At the end of the song I asked everyone if they'd seen him.

They all didn't. Just then I was walking to the bathroom when I see Jinyoung, pinning Chris to the wall.

I stopped with a foot stomp to let him know I was there. He let go of Chris with a sigh.

"What the hell?!" I screamed at Jinyoung.

"Yoona, I'm sorry, I don't want him taking you." He apologized.

I couldn't believe his behavior. I walked away and left since we were done practicing.

He was being so selfish and that wasn't like him. I ignored all calls and texts from him for the next month.



1 month later

I hadn't spoken to Jinyoung in a month. I was mad at the way he was acting.

That same month B1a4 had released a song called "Lonely".

It was composed by Jinyoung. It was about him loosing his girlfriend....

Something seemed weird.

Was this song about me? I thought.

I shook my head. If he really cared then he wouldn't have done something that would upset me.

I go down to the kitchen of our dorm to get something to eat.

I hear the doorbell ring so I jog to the door and open it. I see no one but on the doorstep I see a bouquet of roses and an album.

I pick them up and brought them into the house.

The album was B1A4's new album, Lonely. I scoff knowing Jinyoung was trying to apologize.



Okay short chapter again but I won't be on for a few days since I am grounded uwu


Lonely Without You - B1a4 fanficWhere stories live. Discover now