Chapter 5 - Back to his secret room

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    After you've finished your breakfast you clean up and start boiling water in a teakettle with some sugar. You look through the kitchen cupboards and find a selection of different kinds of tea. You decide on lavender, since you find it soothing. Also because Brahms room really could use some lavender scent to say the least. You put two teacups and the kettle on a tray. And so you walk up the stairs with it, making your way back to Brahms room.
The doll is still on the bed. You find the little trapdoor next to the fireplace and put the tray on the mantle. You knock hard on the hollow wall, hoping that he will hear it and let you in. For a while it almost seems like he's gone, but then suddenly you hear something on the other side of wall. You quickly grab the tray to show him. Slowly and with a creaking noise the door is opening.
You get nervous. Oh no. What if this isn't a good idea.
You peek down into the hole, and there he is. Looking at you from the dim space inside the wall, like another world. He's wearing the same clothes as a couple of nights ago - a dirty tank top that was probably white at some point in time, the shabby gray cardigan and black pants with suspenders. His eyes are wide open and look nervous. You quickly show him what you brought.
"Would you like... to have tea?" you ask and look at him with tense anticipation.
Slowly he reaches for the kettle and carefully lifts it from the tray. He then moves aside to give you room to climb in. He looks down at you for a moment before he nods to the narrow stairs, leading up to his hideout. He starts walking up and you follow him. Once you're at the top he walks over to the door, and holds it open for you.
"Thanks" you say quietly as you once again enter the strange room.
You hear the door close behind you and Brahms stands there beside you, slouching, holding on to the teakettle handle with both hands in front of him. Like a bizarre, oversized child holding a bucket of candy on Halloween. You notice him glancing at you, and he quickly looks away before he walks over to a small table, cluttered with books, underneath his stairs.
He puts the kettle down and pushes some books aside to make room. You put the teacups down as well, and notice there's only one chair at the table. Brahms heads over to the bed and picks up the stool for himself, so you get the chair. It's all the same to you, but knowing he's making an effort to be polite makes you feel a bit more at ease. He sits down in front of you with his hands in his lap, and watches silently while you pour the tea. When you're finished he holds on to the cup and fingers on it. It looks comically small in his big, slender hands. Like a toy. 
You realize you haven't even given any thought to how he's going to drink with his mask on until now. You don't want him to think this is some kind of extortion to make him show his face. You feel the need to break the silence.

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