Chapter 11 - Down the basement

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You hold up for a moment. Is this when you should actually get scared, escape and call for help? It could mean anything. You still don't know anything about him or who he really is. Everything about him basically says "run for your life" and yet you just... can't.
There is something about him.
You think of the relief you felt about Coles death and wonder if maybe... you see a tiny bit of yourself in Brahms after all. All those countless times you wanted Cole dead in the most horrible ways, and all it took was Brahms going berserk on him. Maybe you wish it could have been you beating him up. Finally getting your revenge after those years of him tormenting and hurting you, both physically and mentally.
"Yes, what is it...?" you ask.
"Something I made." He replies.
Please now don't let it be some completely insane artwork made from body parts or a shrine dedicated to you, you pray in your mind.
Brahms gets up from the chair and once again it hits you how tall he is. He reaches out his un-bandaged hand to you like he's going to bring you somewhere, and you give him yours. He grabs it firmly and looks at it for a short moment, before he heads out of the kitchen with you by his side.
You walk through the halls of the ground floor, and enter a hidden door in a library room.
Once again you're inside the secret, narrow passages, Brahms domain.

He holds your hand a little harder than someone normally would, not so firm that it hurts but as if he still thinks you'll run away. Following him throught the tunnel you look at his back, hoping for the best as he leads you through the dim maze inside the walls, until you get to a real door at the end of the corridor.
Brahms opens it and you look down a steep stairway leading down into pitch black darkness. He promised he could never hurt you, but seeing this immediately makes you think this was a terribly bad idea. What could possibly be down there? 
Brahms reaches for a light button and the basement stairs are illuminated by a lone lightbulb in the ceiling. He takes a step down and you hesitate. He looks up at you.
"Don't be afraid, Y/n." He assures and you decide to trust him once again.
You walk down the stairs carefully watching each step. It smells moist and underground, typical old basement. When you reach the end of the stairs there's even more darkness.

You notice yourself holding on to Brahms hand a little tighter when he leads you in there. Then he turns on the lights, and the entire basement is lit up. You blink in the sudden harsh light.

It's a rather large room, filled with shelves along the walls. The shelves are filled with tools, books, and something that looks like... animals.

Taxidermy animals of all different shapes and sizes, tons of them. You remember thinking that all of the taxidermy in the home might be Brahms work, and it seems like you were right. So is this what he wanted to show you...? Even if all these long dead animals make you a bit uneasy, you find it fascinating that they have in a way, been given eternal life. They look so real and alive, still.
Brahms lets go of your hand, walks up to one of the shelves and picks up a squirrel. You walk over to him and look at the small animal that he's now showing you. Well... it might not exactly be the best; it's crooked and lumpy, and there are lots of visible stitches in its fur. You can't help but wonder why this poor, ugly old thing is the first Brahms decides to present to you. Especially when there are much more majestic and better made animals everywhere else. 
"It's the first one I made." He then says, as if he's read your mind or at least your slightly confused expression.
"Really...? When was that?" you ask.
You remember Mr. Heelshire telling you how Brahms had never been fond of animals. Dead animals however, seemed to be much different.
Brahms studies the squirrel and thoughtfully strokes the fur on its tiny head with a finger.
"When I was seven." He says. "I caught it in a trap. I wanted... to see what would happen."
You have a feeling that you already know where this is going.
"Happen...?" you repeat.

"If I... did something to it." He says and looks down at you.

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